Scientific software reviews

Showing 426 to 450 from 806 matches

Precision Plugin Precision Plugin 1.8 Scientific
Precision Plugin is a REALbasic plugin which is a light version of my MPCalc plugin.
Complex Plugin Complex Plugin 1.7 Scientific
Complex Plugin is a plugin for REALbasic 5 which, because of operator and function overloading, allows complex numbers to be used much like doubles and integers in REALbasic programs.
Fraction Plugin Fraction Plugin 1.0 Scientific
Fraction Plugin is a plugin for REALbasic 5 which, because of operator and function overloading, allows fractions to be used much like doubles and integers in REALbasic programs.
Objaction Mover Objaction Mover 1.0b1 Scientific
Objaction Mover is a port, to Mac OS X, of Maz's "Objaction Mover" tool, which is used to distribute modified commercial geometries for Poser and other 3D programs so that only purchasers of the source geometries can use the modified version.
iCluster X iCluster X 1.2.2b1 Scientific
iCluster is a simple and reliable DX-Cluster Telnet Client.
iCluster iCluster 1.2.2b1 Scientific
iCluster is a simple and reliable DX-Cluster Telnet Client.
TCalc+ TCalc+ 1.06 Scientific
TCalc+ analyses the Noise and Intermodulation performance of radio receiver front-ends.
3D Weather & Globe Atlas Updater 3D Weather & Globe Atlas Updater 1.1.1U Scientific
3D Weather & Globe allows you to view weather patterns all over the world, with real-time cloud cover and a 7-day forecast.
Geneious Geneious 2.5.3 Scientific
Geneious is a unique, easy to use software system that has been developed to greatly speed up and simplify research in molecular biology and biochemistry.
OpenDX OpenDX 4.4.0 Scientific
OpenDX is a uniquely powerful, full-featured software package for the visualization of scientific, engineering and analytical data: Its open system design is built on a standard interface environments.
Attractor Explorer 3D Attractor Explorer 3D 1.1.0 Scientific
Attractor Explorer 3D will allow the exploration and rendering of 3D strang attractors on Mac OS X using the Cocoa API.
FoldIt light FoldIt light 5.1 Scientific
'FoldIt light' is a molecular modelling program to visualize and manipulate interactively protein structure files from the Brookhaven Protein Data Bank (PDB).
GeneQuest GeneQuest 7.0 Scientific
GeneQuest helps you locate genes, regulatory elements, patterns and structure in your primary DNA sequence.
PrimerSelect PrimerSelect 7.0 Scientific
PrimerSelect's comprehensive set of tools enables you to design and analyze primers for PCR, sequencing, probe hybridization and transcription.
OligoFaktorySE OligoFaktorySE 1.0 Scientific
The OligoFaktory Standalone Edition is an integrated suite of bioinformatics tools for the design of long oligonucleotide for micro-array, of primer pair for PCR, of siRNA and more.
StarBlast StarBlast 1.0 Scientific
StarBlast simply lets you perform BLAST and text searches against your own databases.
Genomorama Genomorama 1.4 Scientific
Genomorama - Multi-scale, Multi-genome, Multi-platform Visualization and Analysis.
readspice readspice 1.2 Scientific
readspice allows MathPad users to run analog circuit simulations via the MacSpice application.
SimpleDEMViewer SimpleDEMViewer 2.3 Scientific
SimpleDEMViewer browses DEM (Digital Elevation Model) data as pictures.
GPSUtility GPSUtility 2.00 Scientific
GPSUtility displays GPS data including speed, bearing, position and satellite information.
MathEQ Expression Editor MathEQ Expression Editor 4.0.6 Scientific
MathEQ Expression Editor is a mathematical/scientific typesetting program.
LiveMath Maker LiveMath Maker 3.5.8 Scientific
Our flagship Computer Algebra System product, LiveMath is a computer algebra system.
LiveMath Viewer LiveMath Viewer 3.5.5 Scientific
LiveMath Viewer is the demo version of LiveMath Maker.
Lab_Notebook Lab_Notebook 2.02 Scientific
Lab_Notebook is an electronic laboratory notebook for chemists.
Abinit Abinit 4.4.3 Scientific
ABINIT is a package whose main program allows one to find the total energy, charge density and electronic structure of systems made of electrons and nuclei (molecules and periodic solids) within Density Functional Theory (DFT), using pseudopotentials and a planewave basis.