Scientific software reviews
Showing 401 to 425 from 806 matches
Calcolatrice 1.0 Scientific Calcolatrice is a good demonstaration of a simple program created with Applescript Studio and has viewable code. Freeware |
Calc 1.06 Scientific Calc is a little scientific calculator. Freeware |
Beacon Designer 5.10 Scientific Beacon Designer helps design successful SYBR® Green, TaqMan®, LNA™ spiked TaqMan®, molecular beacon for both standard and NASBA assays and FRET assays by interpreting BLAST results for specificity and locating oligos avoiding template structures. Demo |
Primer Premier 5.00 Scientific Primer Premier is a comprehensive primer design tool with multiple features. Demo |
SimVector 4.01 Scientific SimVector is an exceptional software to design cloning experiments and drawing publication quality plasmid vector maps DNA analysis & Plasmid map drawing software to draw vector quality plasmid maps and generate publication quality vector graphics, perform restriction enzyme analysis. Demo |
Xpression Primer 3.01 Scientific Xpression Primer is a revolutionary tagged primer design tool for expression cloning. Demo |
Dynamics 1.2 Scientific Dynamics is a program written to illustrate the connection between Julia Sets and the Mandelbrot Set. GPL |
HyperSolids 1.0 Scientific The Greeks proved that there are exactly five regular solids: the tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron. GPL |
Statistics and Charts 2.0 Scientific Statistics and Charts allows you to create charts from single and double statistical density data. Freeware |
Virtual AGC 20060110 Scientific Virtual AGC project is a simulation of the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) used in the Apollo Command Modules and Lunar Modules in 1968-1972, as well as the Abort Guidance System (AGS) used in the LM. GPL |
Hi-Toro 0.3.7 Scientific Hi-Toro is a Mac OS X configuration editor for E-UAE, commonly known as the Enhanced Unix Amiga Emulator. Freeware |
GeoVISTA Studio 1.2 Scientific GeoVISTA Studio is an open software development environment designed for geospatial data. GPL |
Mac Dec Bin Hex Calculator 0.1 Scientific Mac Dec Bin Hex Calculator is a Decimal Binary Hexadecimal conversion tool. Freeware |
GearTrain 1.0.1 Scientific GearTrain calculates the angular velocity of the final driven gear in a gear chain. Freeware |
AstroImageBrowser 1.1.2 Scientific Images of astronomical objects in any part of the sky can be downloaded, manipulated, overlayed (with a grid, camera/CCD geometries, object labels or other pictures), converted, scaled, colorized, annotated, blinked, saved, cached and printed with AstroImageBrowser. Shareware |
Sequence Analysis 1.6 Scientific Sequence editing, reverse complement, protein translation, ORF finding, secondary structure, composition, isoelectric point, primer design, pairwise comparison, publish layout, sequence reformatting. Freeware |
Prime Finder 1.0 Scientific A simple Cocoa application that finds, counts and lists all prime numbers from two to an arbitrary, user-inputed number. Freeware |
Super calculator 2.0 Scientific Super calculator is a stand alone application writen in AppleScript that can do standard math and algebra. Freeware |
WildTools Updater 8.0.3 Scientific Few things have created as much excitement in the Macintosh CAD community as the introduction of WildTools for PowerCADD. Freeware |
EOSymbols 1.0.1 Scientific EOSymbols is an OmniGraffle stencil with the electronic symbols used in the Electronics Optimizer circuits. Freeware |
RefEls 1.0 Scientific RefEls is a Perl script that lets you look up and increase knowledge of the periodic table of elements. Freeware |
Base Converter 3.2 Scientific Base Converter converts an integer expressed in one base to an expression in another base. Freeware |
PrimeGen 1.0 Scientific PrimeGen is a generator of very probable prime integers built using REALbasic and my Precision Plugin. Freeware |
MPCalc plugin 2.5 Scientific MPCalc plugin is a REALbasic plugin which makes available the functionality of my multi-precision RPN scientific calculator to REALbasic programmers. Freeware |
Iris SimpleCalc 1.1 Scientific SimpleCalc is a very simplistic calculator application that is for both Mac OS X and Windows. Freeware |