Scientific software reviews

Showing 401 to 425 from 806 matches

Calcolatrice Calcolatrice 1.0 Scientific
Calcolatrice is a good demonstaration of a simple program created with Applescript Studio and has viewable code.
Calc Calc 1.06 Scientific
Calc is a little scientific calculator.
Beacon Designer Beacon Designer 5.10 Scientific
Beacon Designer helps design successful SYBR® Green, TaqMan®, LNA™ spiked TaqMan®, molecular beacon for both standard and NASBA assays and FRET assays by interpreting BLAST results for specificity and locating oligos avoiding template structures.
Primer Premier Primer Premier 5.00 Scientific
Primer Premier is a comprehensive primer design tool with multiple features.
SimVector SimVector 4.01 Scientific
SimVector is an exceptional software to design cloning experiments and drawing publication quality plasmid vector maps DNA analysis & Plasmid map drawing software to draw vector quality plasmid maps and generate publication quality vector graphics, perform restriction enzyme analysis.
Xpression Primer Xpression Primer 3.01 Scientific
Xpression Primer is a revolutionary tagged primer design tool for expression cloning.
Dynamics Dynamics 1.2 Scientific
Dynamics is a program written to illustrate the connection between Julia Sets and the Mandelbrot Set.
HyperSolids HyperSolids 1.0 Scientific
The Greeks proved that there are exactly five regular solids: the tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron.
Statistics and Charts Statistics and Charts 2.0 Scientific
Statistics and Charts allows you to create charts from single and double statistical density data.
Virtual AGC Virtual AGC 20060110 Scientific
Virtual AGC project is a simulation of the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) used in the Apollo Command Modules and Lunar Modules in 1968-1972, as well as the Abort Guidance System (AGS) used in the LM.
Hi-Toro Hi-Toro 0.3.7 Scientific
Hi-Toro is a Mac OS X configuration editor for E-UAE, commonly known as the Enhanced Unix Amiga Emulator.
GeoVISTA Studio GeoVISTA Studio 1.2 Scientific
GeoVISTA Studio is an open software development environment designed for geospatial data.
Mac Dec Bin Hex Calculator Mac Dec Bin Hex Calculator 0.1 Scientific
Mac Dec Bin Hex Calculator is a Decimal Binary Hexadecimal conversion tool.
GearTrain GearTrain 1.0.1 Scientific
GearTrain calculates the angular velocity of the final driven gear in a gear chain.
AstroImageBrowser AstroImageBrowser 1.1.2 Scientific
Images of astronomical objects in any part of the sky can be downloaded, manipulated, overlayed (with a grid, camera/CCD geometries, object labels or other pictures), converted, scaled, colorized, annotated, blinked, saved, cached and printed with AstroImageBrowser.
Sequence Analysis Sequence Analysis 1.6 Scientific
Sequence editing, reverse complement, protein translation, ORF finding, secondary structure, composition, isoelectric point, primer design, pairwise comparison, publish layout, sequence reformatting.
Prime Finder Prime Finder 1.0 Scientific
A simple Cocoa application that finds, counts and lists all prime numbers from two to an arbitrary, user-inputed number.
Super calculator Super calculator 2.0 Scientific
Super calculator is a stand alone application writen in AppleScript that can do standard math and algebra.
WildTools Updater WildTools Updater 8.0.3 Scientific
Few things have created as much excitement in the Macintosh CAD community as the introduction of WildTools for PowerCADD.
EOSymbols EOSymbols 1.0.1 Scientific
EOSymbols is an OmniGraffle stencil with the electronic symbols used in the Electronics Optimizer circuits.
RefEls RefEls 1.0 Scientific
RefEls is a Perl script that lets you look up and increase knowledge of the periodic table of elements.
Base Converter Base Converter 3.2 Scientific
Base Converter converts an integer expressed in one base to an expression in another base.
PrimeGen PrimeGen 1.0 Scientific
PrimeGen is a generator of very probable prime integers built using REALbasic and my Precision Plugin.
MPCalc plugin MPCalc plugin 2.5 Scientific
MPCalc plugin is a REALbasic plugin which makes available the functionality of my multi-precision RPN scientific calculator to REALbasic programmers.
Iris SimpleCalc Iris SimpleCalc 1.1 Scientific
SimpleCalc is a very simplistic calculator application that is for both Mac OS X and Windows.