System Utilities software reviews

Showing 801 to 825 from 1256 matches

Bin-it Bin-it 1.2.1 System Utilities
Bin-It is a cocoa application that runs in the background (put it into your startup items) and acts like the original Mac OS 9 trash can on your desktop.
24x7 Scheduler 24x7 Scheduler 2.1.113 System Utilities
24x7 Scheduler is the most powerful and yet flexible software task scheduling and automation utility available today.
Apple Aluminum PowerBook 15 Apple Aluminum PowerBook 15 1.1 System Utilities
The PowerBook G4 Battery Updater improves the performance of batteries that may develop short run times.
rEFIt rEFIt 0.7 System Utilities
rEFIt is a boot menu and maintenance toolkit for EFI-based machines like the Intel Macs.
AutomountMaker AutomountMaker 0.9.8 System Utilities
AutomounMaker is a tool for mounting filesystems of type SMB, AFP, FTP and others.
Hide and Seek Hide and Seek 1.1 System Utilities
Hide and Seek is a converted Apple script that allows users to quickly have the finder Show or Hide Hidden and System Files.
TrashMagic TrashMagic 1.0.1 System Utilities
TrashMagic is a protection tool for the Trash contents that allows you to recover data in your Trash can that you emptied.
Retrospect Express Retrospect Express 6.1.126 System Utilities
Retrospect Express Edition is available exclusively with leading hardware manufacturer backup devices and is designed for home environments.
DSWipe DSWipe 1.0 System Utilities
DSWipe is a very simple application to remove those pesky .
modttl modttl 1.0 System Utilities
modttl is intended for network administrators that are looking to modify the TTL of packets beings sent from their servers.
Bye Bye Dashboard Bye Bye Dashboard 2.0 System Utilities
Bye Bye Dashboard.
Twotade Twotade 1.0.1 System Utilities
Twotade is a drop application utility for setting the creation dates of files and folders to the modification date, and conversely.
UpdateWasher CE UpdateWasher CE 1.0 System Utilities
UpdateWasher is useful in a way that after an OS X update, simply double click on UpdateWasher, where ever it may be, and it will run OS X's built in maintenance scripts, repair permissions essential to keeping your Mac bloat-free and then reboots your system to make sure everything is in ship-shape.
A Better Finder Info A Better Finder Info 1.1.1 System Utilities
A Better Finder Info is a contextual menu plugin for the Macintosh Finder, which supplements the Finder's "Get Info.
Super Res Super Res 1.1 System Utilities
Universal video resolution enabler has both a Control Panel and a Control Strip component that allows one to choose from nearly 50 different video resolutions on current Macs.
Griffin ASIO Sound Manager Griffin ASIO Sound Manager 1.3.3 System Utilities
Allows the iMic to be used with some programs that require ASIO support.
iLoveROC iLoveROC 0.4 System Utilities
iLoveROC is a hack package for the Trad.
Yellow Dog Linux Yellow Dog Linux 4.1 System Utilities
Yellow Dog Linux v4.
ChargerChecker ChargerChecker 0.5 System Utilities
ChargerChecker is a faceless background app that works in conjunction with Growl to give you on-screen notification when your laptop’s charger is connected or disconnected.
PlistChecker PlistChecker 1.5.1 System Utilities
After spending too many hours wondering why my document icons weren't showing up under Mac OS X, and finally figuring out that it was caused by a typo in my 'plst' resource, I wrote this utility to help other Mac OS X programmers.
UnPlugged UnPlugged 1.8 System Utilities
UnPlugged is an application to notify when the power cord of the Mac is unplugged or plugged in.
PimpMyOSX PimpMyOSX 1.3 System Utilities
PimpMyOSX is a easy to use Mac application that makes your network connections faster.
MenuPrefs MenuPrefs 2.6 System Utilities
Menuprefs is a menu extra designed to give quick access to all preference panes that the user has access to, including custom preference panes.
iJect iJect 1.2 System Utilities
Are you good at typewriting and always hit the right keys? Then you don't need iJect.
Text Capture FKEY Text Capture FKEY 1.7 System Utilities
Text Capture FKEY applies various patches to other applications or to desk accessories.