System Utilities software reviews

Showing 851 to 875 from 1256 matches

Shutdown/Restart script Shutdown/Restart script 1.0 System Utilities
The Shutdown/Restart script is useful for users who now use Apple Pro Extended keyboards, which no longer include a power key/button.
Quit Application CM Quit Application CM 1.0 System Utilities
Quit Application CM s a contextual menu plug-in that allows you to quit an open application from its icon in the Finder without switching to the application.
Space.dock Space.dock 0.7 System Utilities
Inside Folders Inside Folders 1.0 System Utilities
Inside Folders is an useful 3-in-1 AppleScript which provides a fast, easy and very customizable way to create multiple folders inside a single outer folder.
Mini Folderz Mini Folderz 1.0 System Utilities
Mini Folderz is a small AppleScript which makes a folder window a minimum size while keeping it in icon view and arranged by name.
PiXel Check PiXel Check 1.2 System Utilities
PiXel Check is a utility that allows you to easily turn on all or specific pixels on your LCD display, allowing you to check for bad or dead LCD pixels.
Megamyth Megamyth 1.0.1 System Utilities
Megamyth provides a way for you to see the real CPU and BUS speed of your Mac compared with the speeds that Apple is telling for the Macintosh.
Pixinator Pixinator 1.2 System Utilities
Pixinator is a simple tool to aid in identifying dead or stuck pixels in an LCD screen.
MOSS Maker MOSS Maker 1.0 System Utilities
MOSS Maker is a small AppleScript which makes it easier for the user to change your MacOS Startup Screen (MOSS).
Put Away All File Servers Put Away All File Servers 1.0 System Utilities
Put Away All File Servers is a very simple AppleScript that does exactly what it name says.
Lock/Unlock Files Lock/Unlock Files 1.0 System Utilities
Lock/Unlock Files are two AppleScript applets allow you to lock/unlock entire folders of files simply by dropping the folders onto the scripts.
Inside Lock-Unlock Inside Lock-Unlock 1.0 System Utilities
Inside Lock-Unlock is a neat script that locks/unlocks a file or a group of files inside or outside a folder or within nested subfolders.
Apple Boot Camp Apple Boot Camp 1.1.2 System Utilities
Install Windows XP / Windows Vista on an Intel-based Mac.
iMac (Intel) Firmware Update iMac (Intel) Firmware Update 1.0 System Utilities
This update is for iMac computers with Intel processors only.
Mac mini (Intel) Firmware Update Mac mini (Intel) Firmware Update 1.0 System Utilities
This update is for Mac Mini computers with Intel processors only.
Apple MacBook Pro (Intel) Firmware Update Apple MacBook Pro (Intel) Firmware Update 1.0 System Utilities
This update is for MacBook Pro computers with Intel processors only.
Apple Firmware Restoration CD Apple Firmware Restoration CD 1.0 System Utilities
Your rights to use this update are subject to the terms of the software license agreement that follows and accompanies the update.
Disk Copy Scripts (Apple) Disk Copy Scripts (Apple) 1.0 System Utilities
Disk Copy Scripts (Apple) is a 3 script collection from Apple that enables you to extend the functionality of Disk Copy 6.
Clipboard (to named clipping) Clipboard (to named clipping) 1.0 System Utilities
When the Clipboard (to named clipping) AppleScript is double-clicked, it creates a clipping file from the current clipboard content.
Parallels Desktop Parallels Desktop 2.5.3120 System Utilities
Parallels Desktop for Mac is the first solution for Intel-Macs that give you the flexibility of running Windows on a Mac OS X simultaneously without rebooting.
Finder Examples Finder Examples 1.0 System Utilities
Finder Examples presents two example scripts from Apple that demonstrate how to windowshade desktop windows and how to expand them.
Creator/Type Batch Changer Creator/Type Batch Changer 1.0 System Utilities
The Creator/Type Batch Changer script recursively processes all files nested in a folder or folders dropped on it, changing their types and creators according to criteria you specify.
Poltergeist Poltergeist 1.0 System Utilities
Poltergeist is a small AppleScript which makes user-selected files and folders (in-)visible.
Backup to floppy Backup to floppy 1.0 System Utilities
The Backup to floppy script was designed for creating daily backups of specified files to a rotating set of floppies (labeled by day of week).
Info for Selected Items Info for Selected Items 1.0 System Utilities
Info for Selected Items will display a dialog containing information about each selected file or application (not folders).