System Utilities software reviews

Showing 751 to 775 from 1256 matches

ThermoInDock ThermoInDock 0.98 System Utilities
ThermoInDock shows values of the internal thermal sensors on your Mac in the Dock.
NetStatInDock NetStatInDock 0.5u System Utilities
NetStatInDock is a little application which shows the network statistics in the Dock.
UsersUsage UsersUsage 1.0 System Utilities
UsersUsage is a small AppleScript which displays a system usage summary of users; in days, hours, minutes and login count, since the last monthly periodic maintenance script run.
Applimizer Applimizer 1.5 System Utilities
Applimizer is a utility that optimizes Mac OS X applications.
SuperDrive Firmware Update SuperDrive Firmware Update 1.0 System Utilities
SuperDrive Firmware Update delivers updated SuperDrive firmware to improve reliability when accessing DVD and CD media.
PowerMac G4 SuperDrive Update PowerMac G4 SuperDrive Update 1.0 System Utilities
The Power Mac G4 SuperDrive Firmware Update 1.
Apple Hard Drive Update X Apple Hard Drive Update X 1.0 System Utilities
The Hard Drive Update 1 improves the longevity of some hard drives shipped in certain Power Mac G4 computers.
Apple Hard Drive Update Classic Apple Hard Drive Update Classic 1.0 System Utilities
The Hard Drive Update 1 improves the longevity of some hard drives shipped in certain Power Mac G4 computers.
iReveal iReveal 1.1 System Utilities
iReveal is a cross-platform desktop file search tool that combines powerful under-the-hood search technology with great ease-of-use.
ResKnife ResKnife 0.6b2 System Utilities
ResKnife is a resource editor for the Macintosh.
Doze Doze 1.0 System Utilities
While Doze is running, it will prevent your system from going to sleep.
DisplayWatcher DisplayWatcher 1.1 System Utilities
If you've got a PowerBook you use with multiple displays as well as on the road, Mac OS X does a good job of remembering the relationships between the displays, but most applications won't automatically reconfigure themselves appropriately in different contexts.
Kubuntu Kubuntu 19.04 System Utilities
KubUbu is a small project (Open Source) that supports Redmond's virtual machine, VirtualPC.
ClipboardSharing ClipboardSharing 2.0.2 System Utilities
ClipboardSharing is a Mac OS X application that allows you to share the contents of your clipboard with other users, either across the network or locally.
YourBackup YourBackup 1.0 System Utilities
YourBackup is a utility to backup, restore and transfert the Library folder's data (email, Address Book data, Favorites, etc.
iRepair iRepair 1.0.5 System Utilities
iRepair can help you correct permission of your files or folders.
Fragen Fragen 1.0b1 System Utilities
Fragen is a scripting addition that checks to see if a handler is installed for a particular event in the system table.
WCHandy WCHandy 1.0 System Utilities
WCHandy is a small scripting addition which gives the user access to some internet global preferences, and provides a "spin pizza" command.
Change Screen Capture Type Change Screen Capture Type 1.0.1 System Utilities
Change Screen Capture Type is a small AppleScript application that allows you to easily change the default screen capture type in Mac OS X 10.
Save/Read Data Save/Read Data 1.6 System Utilities
Save/Read Data is a scripting addition for writing and reading data to/from a file.
Video Mirroring Video Mirroring 1.0 System Utilities
Video Mirroring is a scripting addition that offers a new AppleScript command "Toggle Video Mirroring".
Is Modern Memory Is Modern Memory 1.0 System Utilities
Is Modern Memory is a scripting addition that checks whether the Modern Memory Manager of PowerMacs is in use.
Cinebench Cinebench 9.5 System Utilities
CINEBENCH is the free benchmarking tool for Windows and Mac OS based on the powerful 3D software CINEMA 4D.
Guillotine Guillotine 2.0 System Utilities
Guillotine is a simple AppleScript Studio droplet which will make any application dropped upon it executable.
Apple-S Apple-S 1.1 System Utilities
Every couple of seconds, Apple-S makes an Apple-S keystroke (effectively saving your progress).