System Utilities software reviews

Showing 926 to 950 from 1256 matches

CleanThemUp CleanThemUp 1.5 System Utilities
The CleanThemUp script, which is compatible with non-English (localized) operating systems, offers a simple way to maintain the following folders: BBEdit Lite Recents, Eudora Cache, Eudora Parts, Explorer Download Cache, Explorer Temporary Items, MRJ Cache, NetFinder Directory Cache, Navigation Services, Temporary Items and TechTool Pro's invisible Trash Cache folder.
DiskGuard DiskGuard 2.1 System Utilities
Nearly all Macintosh users are confronted daily with security problems.
FileGuard FileGuard 4.1 System Utilities
FileGuard, a complete security software for the Macintosh, allows you to easily control and manage access to your computer by protecting volumes, documents, folders, and/or applications against unauthorized access and the risk of accidental deletion.
Toggle Locked Toggle Locked 1.0 System Utilities
Toggle Locked, when executed from the contextual script menu provided by Big Cat, locks selected Finder items if they're not locked or unlocks them if they are locked.
New Date Folder New Date Folder 1.0 System Utilities
The New Date Folder AppleScript creates a folder with the current date as it's name and with dropped items as it's content.
Israel Daylight Savings Time Update 2005 Israel Daylight Savings Time Update 2005 1.0 System Utilities
The Israel Daylight Savings Time Update 2005 updates Mac OS X's DST information for Israel to ensure the correct display of times.
Armadillo Armadillo 1.0 System Utilities
Armadillo is a Mac OS X Cocoa application for creating Mac OS X startup items.
KRec KRec 1.6 System Utilities
KRec records every keystroke typed into your computer.
RemoteWasher RemoteWasher 1.5 System Utilities
RemoteWasher runs OS X's built-in maintenance scripts, and repairs permissions, using Apple's new Remote Desktop 3, keeping your networked Macs running smoothly.
Desktop as Screen Saver Desktop as Screen Saver 1.1 System Utilities
Desktop as Screen Saver is a simple AppleScript that allows the user to use the current Screen Effect (screensaver) as their desktop picture.
Clean Recent Items Clean Recent Items 1.0 System Utilities
The Clean Recent Items AppleScript fixes an error in Mac OS 8.
Apple Java 2 SE 5.0R4 Apple Java 2 SE 5.0R4 Intel System Utilities
Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE) 5.
Visage Login Visage Login 1.1.1 System Utilities
Visage Login allows you to easily and safely customize your Mac OS X login screen.
OSL_DD Watchdog OSL_DD Watchdog 1.0 System Utilities
The OSL_DD Watchdog AppleScript will delete the ObjectSupportLib (OSL) and/or the Drag and Drop (DD) Extension from your system folder.
LabelWizard LabelWizard 1.0.1 System Utilities
LabelWizard is an AppleScript droplet that labels all items in a folder to the Finder label of the user's choice.
QuickDash QuickDash 0.1 System Utilities
Can't Run Tiger? Can't Afford Tiger? Want a Dashboard? We have the problem solved! Try QuickDash from RyanAndFriends Software to take advantage of several usefull widgets that those 'Tiger-people' (I am one) love.
Apple iMac (Intel) Firmware Update Apple iMac (Intel) Firmware Update 1.0.1 System Utilities
This update is for iMac computers with Intel processors only.
Apple Mac mini (Intel) Firmware Update Apple Mac mini (Intel) Firmware Update 1.0.1 System Utilities
This update is for Mac Mini computers with Intel processors only.
Asram Secure Delete Asram Secure Delete 1.0.1 System Utilities
Asram Secure Delete will enable the user to delete confidential files so that even retrieving them they be no more readable/viewable.
FolderProtector FolderProtector 1.0.0 System Utilities
FolderProtector is a simple utility that will enable the user to make invisible the files and folders that one would like to enjoy some kind of privacy.
Keychain Unlock Keychain Unlock 1.0.0 System Utilities
Keychain Unlock is a simple program that will enable the user to quickly unlock the Keychain.
TrashUnlock TrashUnlock 1.0 System Utilities
TrashUnlock is a simple script which unlocks every file and folder in the trash, then empties the trash.
unixPath.scpt unixPath.scpt 1.0 System Utilities
WBC Speakable Items WBC Speakable Items 1.0 System Utilities
WBC Speakable Items is a collection of speakable items for various applications, mostly iTunes.
Do I Need More Memory? Do I Need More Memory? 1.0b2 System Utilities
Do I Need More Memory? tells you if lack of RAM is slowing down your computer, and if so, how much you should add.