System Utilities software reviews

Showing 901 to 925 from 1256 matches

Exec Assistant Exec Assistant 1.0 System Utilities
The idea for Exec Assistant originated because someone had requested a script which would sort downloads into OS 9's Documents folder, according to their file types.
Mr. View-As-List Mr. View-As-List 1.5 System Utilities
DatedFolder DatedFolder 2.6 System Utilities
typeXchanger typeXchanger 3.0 System Utilities
typeXchanger is a very simple utility to change creator and file types of Macintosh files.
Open Nested Folders Open Nested Folders 1.0 System Utilities
The Open Nested Folders AppleScript opens all nested folders of any folder(s) dropped onto it.
Simple SysInfo Simple SysInfo 1.0 System Utilities
Simple SysInfo is an AppleScript which enables the user to get some quick and dirty system information without firing up the Apple System Profiler (which takes forever).
The Free Memory Show The Free Memory Show 2.3.1 System Utilities
The Free Memory Show (TFMS) does three things.
DocAppLauncher DocAppLauncher 1.0 System Utilities
DocAppLauncher is an AppleScript that launches selected files in a preset application.
Liberator Liberator 1.2 System Utilities
Liberator frees your nested files from the oppressive regime known as your subfolder mess.
StartupItem Manager StartupItem Manager 1.0.5 System Utilities
StartupItem Manager is a MacOS X utility that allows users to manage custom startup services without using the Unix command line.
Move Selected To... Move Selected To... 1.0 System Utilities
The Move Selected To.
Folders, Sub-Folders and Disks Folders, Sub-Folders and Disks 1.0 System Utilities
The Folders, Sub-Folders and Disks AppleScript presents a simple and efficient method for processing folders, sub-folders and disks.
Drop LU (OS X) Drop LU (OS X) 1.2 System Utilities
Drop LU (OS X) is a very simple OS X droplet will reverse the lock or unlock state of dropped files and folders.
Le Stang Catalog Le Stang Catalog 2.0 System Utilities
The Le Stang Catalog AppleScript allows you to monitor what's happening in three specific folders: Preferences, Control Panels, Extensions.
SpeedMeUp Lite SpeedMeUp Lite 1.5 System Utilities
The SpeedMeUp Lite AppleScript will help your OS X applications launch faster immediately after startup as the application will spend less time looking up and "binding" with various libraries and frameworks.
Termici Termici 1.0 System Utilities
The Termici AppleScript will open up a terminal window and "cd" to the current folder's location.
Renamerizer Renamerizer 2.5 System Utilities
The Renamerizer AppleScript will rename files by adding up to four characters to the beginning or end of the existing name.
File & Folder Rename Suite File & Folder Rename Suite 1.5 System Utilities
The File & Folder Rename Suite AppleScripts make it easier when batch renaming files or renaming a single file.
Mac OS X Encoding Plethora Mac OS X Encoding Plethora 1.2.1 System Utilities
The Mac OS X Encoding Plethora OS X scripts let you encode or decode items by dropping them on the script or by using a contextual menu.
RMeter RMeter 1.0.1 System Utilities
RMeter is a resource meter for your menu bar.
Trash Tender Trash Tender 1.0b2 System Utilities
Trash Tender is an AppleScript that spares you the chore of emptying the Trash, and holds onto trashed items for a while in case you change your mind and want them back.
Folders Lock|Unlock Folders Lock|Unlock 1.0 System Utilities
Folders Lock|Unlock is a small AppleScript which enables the user to toggle the locked/unlocked status of folders.
OSXPM OSXPM 2.1.b5p System Utilities
Install, delete, create packages for OS X in a Sym-link friendly application that uses Open Source Tools.
OSXUserUtils OSXUserUtils 1.3 System Utilities
This is the Missing useradd, groupadd, userdel and groupdel utils.
CustomOpener CustomOpener 2.0.1 System Utilities
CustomOpener is a proxy for opening files.