System Utilities software reviews

Showing 951 to 975 from 1256 matches

X Resource Graph X Resource Graph 1.1 System Utilities
XRG provides graphs of CPU usage, memory status, battery status, machine temperature, network bandwidth usage, disk I/O speed, local weather, and stock market data.
Memory Monitor Memory Monitor 1.2.6 System Utilities
Memory Monitor is a little Mac OS X application that displays the memory usage in its Dock icon (and optionally in a floating window), like CPU Monitor displays the CPU usage.
WinCompressX WinCompressX 1.3 System Utilities
WinCompressX is a small utility that enables a feature in MacOS X 10.
VMometer VMometer 1.1.1 System Utilities
VMometer, pronounced VM ometer, is a Virtual Memory monitor.
Throw out yer Trash Throw out yer Trash 1.0 System Utilities
You would think this works with any version of the Mac OS, and perhaps it does.
Sound Set Scripts Sound Set Scripts 1.0 System Utilities
Sound Set Scripts are a pair of AppleScripts that choose a new Sound Set on startup and turn Sound Sets off.
Dashboard Utility Script Dashboard Utility Script 1.0 System Utilities
Dashboard is one of the innovationes introduced from Apple in Mac OS X 10,4 (Tiger): usefull but is often revealed consumes much memory: the Dashboard Utility Script has been created purposely in order to resolve this problem.
Open Favorite Folders Open Favorite Folders 1.0 System Utilities
Click Open Favorite Folders to see a list of folder names from your Favorites folder.
preview_file preview_file 1.0 System Utilities
The preview_file script just shows the first 255 characters of a text file (or the whole file if it's less than 255 chars long) in a dialog window without the need to open it using any application.
ClassicRunning ClassicRunning 1.1.1 System Utilities
ClassicRunning displays a dialog indicating the current status of Classic and offers to either start or stop it, or open the Classic pane of System Preferences.
Free RAM Free RAM 1.5.2 System Utilities
Free RAM is a small AppleScript studio wrapper to a shell script I wrote.
Tweaker Tweaker 1.1 System Utilities
Tweaker is a simple AppleScript Studio program to modify a few options that you'd otherwise need to use the Terminal for.
Spellbinder Spellbinder 1.0 System Utilities
Spellbinder runs the update_prebinding command line tool.
Nap Time Nap Time 0.1 System Utilities
Nap Time is a small application that allows you to enter the amount of minutes you would like to elapse before the computer goes to sleep.
Dashboard Manager Dashboard Manager 1.2 System Utilities
Dashboard Manager is a simple AppleScript based application made for those who need to shut down Dashboard so memory can be freed.
Free Classic Dockling Free Classic Dockling 1.1 System Utilities
Free Classic Dockling allows you to control and view the state of classic directly from the dock.
Get creator & file type Get creator & file type 1.0 System Utilities
Get creator & file type is a small AppleScript that gets the creator and & file type of a selected file.
Launch_Common_Apps Launch_Common_Apps 2.1 System Utilities
The Launch_Common_Apps script is designed to be used either on startup (add to your "Login Items" in the corresponding Preferences pane) and/or in the script menu.
X11 Extension X11 Extension 0.99 System Utilities
X11 Extension is a background application that makes it easy to launch X11 apps, X11 documents, Window Managers and Desktops.
iLikeYouMore Classic iLikeYouMore Classic 2.0 System Utilities
iLikeYouMore is a simple Type and Creator changer.
Startup Syringe Startup Syringe 1.1 System Utilities
Starting with Mac OS X 10.
FM Start FM Start 1.0 System Utilities
FM Start is a great utility for those who are not comfortable with the OSX command line and terminal functions, who want their FileMaker Server to start sharing at system start up.
File type Converter File type Converter 1.0 System Utilities
File type Converter is an AppleScript that will allow you to change the file type of any single file, several files or a complete folder and subfolders to a different file type previously selected by you.
CD-Mount Manager CD-Mount Manager 1.0 System Utilities
If you are one of those who works with your own CD burner and often burn your documents or software in sessions, you will find yourself with a problem when inserting one of those CDs with 15 or more sessions burned on it.
Catalyst JobClerk Lite Catalyst JobClerk Lite 2.0 System Utilities
Initially created as a custom solution for a commercial printer, Catalyst JobClerk Lite creates a new job folder and sorts files, folder or disk contents, including all nested folders, into a typcial print job folder hierarchy (ie.