Business software reviews

Showing 576 to 600 from 834 matches

PC-Mac SecureJournal PC-Mac SecureJournal 1.0 Business
PC-Mac SecureJournal contains a highly-secure document editor and diary/journal.
Apple iWork Apple iWork '06 Business
Create, present, and publish your work with style.
Address Pad Address Pad 1.4.1 Business
Address Pad is a simple contact manager to help you manage addresses, phone numbers, email and homepage URLs of your friends without resorting to more complex applications.
FloristWare FloristWare 2.0 Business
FloristWare is an order-taking and point-of-sale system developed exclusively for florists.
Simple Invoicer Simple Invoicer 1.0b2 Business
Simple Invoicer is a small application that allows you to keep track of hours worked, create and send invoices, and track payments received on a specific project.
iBiz Server iBiz Server 3.0 Business
Get paid for all of your time.
NoteTaker Viewer NoteTaker Viewer 1.9.13 Business
NoteTaker is powerful new OS X software for organizing your information lifestyle, your digital workstyle.
Zoodo Zoodo 1.0 Business
If you use iCal to manage your tasks, and particularly if you favor the keyboard over the mouse, you've probably noticed how many steps it takes to create a To Do.
Program (mysql demo) Program (mysql demo) 1.01 Business
Imagine where you can bind your mac! Here are some key features of "Program mysql demo": · Mysql database access with unlimited network users accounts · Full suport for Microsoft Word printing · Suport for Linux and Windows systems.
Summit Groupware 2006 R3 (beta Summit Groupware 2006 R3 (beta 1) Business
Built for Mac OS X and complete with integrated server software, Summit Groupware offers the most functional and cost effective solution for any size Mac office environment.
Sticky Spawn Sticky Spawn 1.1 Business
Sure, Apple’s Stickies widget is great, but it’s such a hassle to open a new note.
StopWatch Plus StopWatch Plus Business
StopWatch Plus features both a timer window and a time sheet window for tracking work on projects or for tracking uptime and downtime.
Creative Billing Creative Billing 2.2.5 Business
Mac-HaBu Mac-HaBu 6.9 Business
Most accounting programs are too expensive and too difficult to use for someone who isn't an accountant.
MyProject MyProject 1.2.5 Business
MyProject is a project/task manager to track your projects, tasks or a simple to do list.
X2 Print Accounting checkBox X2 Print Accounting checkBox 1.4.50 Business
checkBox is a cross-platform, client-based print control and accounting system that will help you analyze and curtail printing costs.
logSheet logSheet 1.2 Business
logSheet is a cross-platform, client-based print accounting system that will help you analyze printing costs by tracking and storing all required print job information in a Tab-Separated Value log file, either on the local machine or on a logSheet RAW Server.
HansaWorld Enterprise Edition HansaWorld Enterprise Edition 5.1 Business
HansaWorld provides integrated business solutions including financials, ERP, CRM, e-Business, retail and production.
Mac Warranty Mac Warranty 1.0 Business
Mac Warranty is a Mac Warranty tracker for written for OS X written in Core Data.
DateLook DateLook 2.0.1 Business
DateLook is a free electronic date book that features alarms, the ability to handle cyclic events, supports printing, and is fully mouse-driven.
Frictionless Frictionless 0.8.4 Business
Frictionless is a to-do list manager in the Getting Things Done style of David Allen.
Plaxo Plaxo 1.0 Business
Plaxo keeps people connected by solving the common and frustrating problem of out-of-date contact information.
Mail Merge Pro Mail Merge Pro 2.2 Business
Mail Merge Pro provides serious power with data merge, and presets for almost every label format.
iCal-Alarmist iCal-Alarmist 1.2.1 Business
One of us tried to set multiple alarms for all birthdays in iCal one day and couldn't.
Business Process Visual ARCHITECT Business Process Visual ARCHITECT 1.0 Business
Do you feel your business process has become too complex and unmanageable? Do you find it difficult to visualize your business activities for sharing and discussing with your colleagues? Are you thinking there must be a better tool to design, organize, document and share your business process throughout your company? Business Process Visual ARCHITECT (BP-VA) is the tool you are looking for.