Business software reviews

Showing 626 to 650 from 834 matches

CarryOut lite CarryOut lite 1.0b.2 Business
Plain and simple, CarryOut lite is task management software (fancy wording for a to-do list).
Quote$ Quote$ 1.0.3 Business
Quote$ generates sales quotes efficiently and easily.
DepreciMate DepreciMate 1.1.0 Business
DepreciMate is a powerful asset depreciation tool for Mac OS X.
Report Designer EAP Report Designer EAP 0.1 Business
The Report Designer is an easy to use rich client application to graphically create reports.
ebay Listing Database ebay Listing Database 1.0.1 Business
The ebay Listing Database is a full featured stand-alone database application that will automatically calculate ebay and paypal fees (when applicable) as items are marked as sold.
Speech and Debate Speech and Debate 1.4 Business
Speech and Debate Timekeeper is a collection of two multi-platform timers for all speech and debate events.
LyME LyME 2.9.3 Business
LyME is a port of LME ("Lightweight Math Engine", the heart of Sysquake) to Palm OS handheld devices.
WorkTracker WorkTracker 1.0b4 Business
WorkTracker allows you to see how you spend time on your computer.
TimeSaver TimeSaver 1.0.3 Business
TimeSaver is a tiny program for keeping track of how much time you spend on various projects.
Budget Dance Budget Dance 1.1beta Business
oil-press mstsm announces the public beta of Budget Dance, a provident living home budget application specifically designed for Cocoa, the native Mac OS X 10.
Contact vX Contact vX 5.03 Business
INtex Contact vX is the solution to all your marketing and contacting needs.
INtex Faktura vX Standard INtex Faktura vX Standard 4.10 Business
INtex Faktura vX is a full ERP system with modules for - partners - products - orders - letters&contacts - texts&info Based on FileMaker Pro with very much flexibility.
HonniProject HonniProject 1.0 Business
HonniProject is a very small and simple planning tool.
FaxGear FaxGear 1.1 Business
FaxGear is a fax sending solution.
WorkTimer WorkTimer 2.04 Business
WorkTimer is a little useful tool that helps you keep track of time spent on different projects.
3athlete 3athlete 1.0 Business
3ahtlet is my latest cocoa software, who I developed because I needed something to store my workout data.
Task List Task List 5.1 Business
Task List is an application designed for students who use their laptops at school.
Library db Library db 2.0.3 Business
Library db brings you a very powerful database to organize one or more libraries.
4getMeNot 4getMeNot 2.0.3 Business
4getMeNot brings you an electronic agenda to store email/web addresses, phone-numbers and text-data (postal-addresses, personal/confidential data etc.
CAF Employer CAF Employer 1.5 Business
The CAF Employer database is used to record all pertinent information about your employees.
Create-A-Fax Create-A-Fax 3.0 Business
CREATE-A-FAX is made up of several databases for use at home or business.
CAF Calendar CAF Calendar 3.0 Business
CAF Calendar is a FileMaker calendar for scheduling your daily appointments by date, day and time.
CAF Warehouse CAF Warehouse 1.5 Business
The Warehouse System will allow for recording all products that are purchased and stored.
CAF Shopper CAF Shopper 1.5 Business
CAF Shopper is a grocery db designed for both local and online shopping to track all your purchases.
Vulcan Oracle Vulcan Oracle 4.1 Business
Vulcan Oracle Stock Picking Software - Real-Time Stock Trading Advice! Can software really pick winning trades? Yes.