Business software reviews

Showing 601 to 625 from 834 matches

hp12c Platinum Financial Calculator hp12c Platinum Financial Calculator 3.0 Business
Exclusive hp12c Platinum Business calculator running on your Mac.
GameTime GameTime 1.0p Business
Manage time like you never have before! Whether you're busy playing games online, tracking billable hours, or just need an alarm clock, GameTime offers you the tools to track time effectively.
EasyTask Manager EasyTask Manager 1.7.7 Business
EasyTask is a To-Do list that supports the GTD (“Getting Things Done”) method.
Gestix Light Gestix Light 3.0 Business
Here are some key features of "Gestix Light": Invoicing · Issuing of invoicing documents: Delivery Notes, Transit Notes, Invoices, Cash Sales, Return Notes, Payment Receipt, and Credit and Debit Notes · Third party Credit and Debit Notes processing · Conversion of Delivery and Transit Notes into Invoices or Cash Sales · Processing of payments with or without Receipt printing.
20/20 Vision 20/20 Vision 1.2 Business
20/20 Vision sonsists of a complete set of visual acuity tests in one easy to use and affordable product.
CmapTools CmapTools 4.08 Business
The CmapTools program empowers users to construct, navigate, share and criticize knowledge models represented as concept maps.
CmapServer CmapServer 4.03 Business
The CmapServer enables users anywhere on the Internet to collaborate during the construction of their Cmaps, share the knowledge models they build, and browse, critique and comment on others’ Cmaps.
CmapConversion CmapConversion 4.03 Business
The V2 to V3 CmapConversion program converts the concept maps from V2 of the software to the format used in V3.
ToDo X to iPod Notes ToDo X to iPod Notes 1.1 Business
ToDo X to iPod Notes is a standalone exporter for use with the shareware to-do list application ToDo X.
Activity Manager Activity Manager 5.1.1 Business
Activity Manager is a solution that has been tailored for tour operators.
Aloha Credit Card Processor Aloha Credit Card Processor 1.1 Business
Aloha Credit Card Processor is a credit card processing solution, which allows you to perform an Authorization, Capture, Charge, Credit or Void.
GanttPV GanttPV 0.7 Business
GanttPV is a project scheduling software.
ConceptDraw Business Suite ConceptDraw Business Suite 5.5 Business
ConceptDraw Business Suite provides unique set of business graphics tools designed to enable professional users to visually develop their ideas, plan and track projects and present various data, structures and processes in clear, visual flowcharts and diagrams.
Jreepad Jreepad 1.5 Business
Jreepad allows you to store and edit all your little nuggets of text in an incredibly intuitive tree structure.
ConceptDraw MEDICAL ConceptDraw MEDICAL 1.8.5 Business
ConceptDraw MEDICAL is a special edition of ConceptDraw for medical and biochemical specialists.
Dates to iCal Dates to iCal 1.0.3 Business
Dates to iCal is a free birthdays calendar for Mac OS X 10.
Microsoft Office 2004 Test Drive Microsoft Office 2004 Test Drive 11.2.1 Business
The Microsoft® Office 2004 for Mac Test Drive includes essential tools that can help you transform the way you create, share, and manage ideas and information using all four Office 2004 for Mac programs: Word, Excel®, PowerPoint®, and Entourage®.
BlueChip Widget BlueChip Widget 1.0 Business
BlueChip Widget is the ultimate enhancer to the award-winning stock tracking app for OS X.
Calendar for FileMaker Calendar for FileMaker 8.1 Business
Calendar for FileMaker is a FileMaker Pro 7 and 8 calendar solution.
Garment Base Pro Garment Base Pro 7 Business
Garment Base Pro is a simple, yet powerful, Pattern Design Manager (PDM) for the apparel industry.
Demo 2.7.5 Business
Anyone can Create, Save, Edit, Print, and E-mail Invoices, Estimates, Proposals, and Receipts with this incredibly easy to use online software.
X2 Print Accounting logSheet X2 Print Accounting logSheet 1.29.2 Business
logSheet™ is a cross-platform, client-based print accounting system that will help you analyze printing costs by tracking and storing all required print job information in a Tab-Separated Value log file, either on the local machine or on a logSheet RAW Server.
ezEstimate ezEstimate 0.98b Business
Stapler Stapler 1.1 Business
Stapler is a blend of three frequently used generic applications: A notepad, an outliner and a to-do list.
MenuPass MenuPass 1.0.1 Business
MenuPass helps users store, organize, and retrieve important account and password information.