Utilities software reviews
Showing 3226 to 3250 from 3576 matches
TalkLib 1.4.1 Utilities TalkLib is an AppleScript script library for the classic Mac OS, providing comprehensive properties and handlers for implementing text-to-speech functionality in your scripts. Freeware |
Wait for Application 1.0.4 Utilities Wait for Application is a script application that shows how to wait for a scriptable application to launch before you start sending Apple events to it. Freeware |
Weightmania 1.8.0 Utilities Weightmania tracks and analyzes workouts, meals, meals, dieting progress, medical information and much more. Demo |
SwapSwapVM 0.9.9b9 Utilities SwapSwapVM is an AppleScript application made with Smile written to change the target volume (disk; partition) for the Virtual Memory swapfiles in OS X 10. Freeware |
Swap Relocator 1.1.2 Utilities Swap Relocator is a Startup Item. Freeware |
Create Email OS X (Palm to Mail) 1.0 Utilities Put the Create Email OS X (Palm to Mail) script into the Scripts folder inside the Palm folder. Freeware |
Palm Desktop Scripts 1.0 Utilities The Palm Desktop Scripts package contains four scripts for Palm Desktop which have been updated to replace the original, outdated scripts which were included with MacPac 2. Freeware |
Wait for Copy 1.0.1 Utilities Wait for Copy is a script application that shows how to use a new feature introduced in Mac OS 8. Freeware |
Open Photos 1.0.3 Utilities Open Photos is a useful script application showing how to use an idle handler to emulate a repeat loop. Freeware |
NSOF To XML 1.0 Utilities NSOF To XML Converter exhibits the Desktop Connection Library's data manipulation routines and lets one convert NSOF files such as SimpleMail or EnRoute attachment to XML. Freeware |
Delivery 1.0 Utilities Delivery is the first Newton Package installer with both Rendez-Vous and AppleTalk. Freeware |
Number Stamper 1.1 Utilities Electronic Bates Stamping has never been easier! Number Stamper is an Automator Action for Mac OS X Tiger that adds searchable number stamps to PDF Documents. Shareware |
Count PDF Pages 1.0 Utilities If you scan documents or collect documents in PDF, it can be very handy to have a catalog of all your files complete with page numbers. Freeware |
Prefab Player 1.5 Utilities PreFab Player extends AppleScript & Frontier to query and control non-scriptable applications and control panels. Trial |
Notification Center 1.1a Utilities Notification Center is a Prefs Pane that allows you to perform actions when you lose your wireless connection or your computer sleeps or wakes or a bluetooth device comes in range or different applications launch or quit. Shareware |
Purge OSL 1.0.6 Utilities Early versions of AppleScript required the support of a system extension later built in. Freeware |
Check Scriptability 1.03 Utilities Check Scriptability is an AppleScript droplet for the classic Mac OS that generates a series of dialogs reporting on features supporting Apple events in any application dropped on it. Freeware |
GGMud 0.5 Utilities GGMud is an opensource multiplatform mud client, it has a very complete feature set and runs reliably and fast both on intel and PPC macs. Freeware |
Clock Mini 1.6.0 Utilities Clock Mini is a clock that will stay above all other windows. Freeware |
AlchemyTV DVR Mail-action 1.0 Utilities Many people now have cell phones that can send email or own PDA's or portable computers from where they can send an email. Freeware |
StYNCies 0.84 Utilities StYNCies--a neat little utility from Russotle that synchronizes your Stickies to your iPod and/or iDisk. Freeware |
New Palm Desktop memo from selection 1.1 Utilities Pop the New Palm Desktop memo from selection script into your scripts menu in the menu bar, and you can easily make new memos in Palm Desktop from whatever text you've highlighted/selected in your current application. Freeware |
Create OE from PD 1.0 Utilities Create OE from PD is an adaptation of a script that ships with the Palm Desktop to launch Claris Emailer, and a script by Richard Dyce. Freeware |
Page Bounds 1.0 Utilities Page Bounds is a small AppleScript that resizes any element (shape, graphic, etc. Freeware |
Germany 2006 1.2 Utilities Germany 2006 is an application for managing the FIFA World Cup Germany 2006. Freeware |