Utilities software reviews

Showing 3251 to 3275 from 3576 matches

Update Graphic Update Graphic 1.0 Utilities
Update Graphic is a small AppleScript for MultiAd Creator which enables the user to uupdate the selected placed graphic to the current version saved on disk.
Fat Calculator Fat Calculator 1.0 Utilities
Fat Calculator allows you to approximate your body fat percentage using a tape measure - even if you don't have access to fancy scales or men with calipers.
SpeedMeUp Pro X SpeedMeUp Pro X 2.0.1 Utilities
SpeedMeUp is a down-and-dirty AppleScript that will help your OSX applications load faster immediately after launching since the application will spend less time looking up and "binding" with various libraries and frameworks.
Resize to Page Bounds Resize to Page Bounds 1.0 Utilities
Resize to Page Bounds is a small AppleScript that resizes any element (shape, graphic, etc.
Reset Group Handles Reset Group Handles 1.0 Utilities
If a group has been rotated or skewed, the Reset Group Handles script will reset the corner handles to square.
Export Photo Album for Web Export Photo Album for Web 1.0 Utilities
The Export Photo Album for Web script makes it easy to create photo albums for the web.
OmniDazzle OmniDazzle 1.0.1 Utilities
Lost your cursor? Hey, it happens — especially when you're navigating across the four-million-pixels-and-counting landscape of a 30" Cinema Display.
Nixlib Nixlib 1.01 Utilities
Nixlib is a free File maker Pro runtime database for your unix scripts and commands.
EPS Extractor EPS Extractor 1.2 Utilities
EPS Extractor is a small application that extracts both placed EPS and embedded raster objects (not compatible with Illustrator 9 or above).
AppExe AppExe 2.0b Utilities
Just type any application name, folder/file path, URL and AppExe will smart launch it for you.
GetMacAddress GetMacAddress 1.0 Utilities
GetMacAddress is a small palette to show the ethernet MacAddress of your Macintosh.
InfoItems InfoItems 1.1 Utilities
InfoItems show the following properties about Finder items: displayed name, name extension, container, locked, kind, logical size, physical size in KB, physical size in MB, creation date, modification date, URL, file type, ascii and hex values of file type, file creator, ascii and hex values of file creator, owner, group, permissions, octal values of permissions, short version, long version, alias, package folder, visible, busy, extension hidden, default application, comment.
Antidouble Antidouble 1.0 Utilities
With Antidouble, you can remove double occurences from any list, specifying how elements are separed in your list.
DragPathForPascal DragPathForPascal 1.0 Utilities
Tired of writing down the lengthy paths to files on servers or deep down on your disk? DragPathForPascal gives you the full path to any file or directory.
TVguide TVguide 0.1 Utilities
TVguide is a very early beta version of an app I'm working on to display UK TV guides.
BibDesk Scripts BibDesk Scripts 0.2.1 Utilities
BibDesk Scripts is a collection of four AppleSripts that give additional functionality to BibDesk.
fwe:refresh fwe:refresh 0.9 Utilities
fwe:refresh is a finder window extension - an extra button in your toolbar - to refresh the content of your current finder window.
EVDO Dormant Killer EVDO Dormant Killer 1.0 Utilities
Keeps EVDO (Verizon broadband wireless connections) from going dormant.
DoepferProegrammoer DoepferProegrammoer 1.0 Utilities
The Doepfer Programmoer gives you a simple interface to edit presets on your Doepfer Pocket Fader or Pocket Control.
Sofa Control Sofa Control 2.0b1 Utilities
Apple ships a Remote Control with any new Mac.
TuneSift TuneSift 0.4 Utilities
There is one nifty little feature in iTunes that I love: the ability to type part of an artist/album/song name and bring up a list of songs which match.
iXiu iXiu 1.0 Utilities
iXiu is the Alpha version of a new tool to copy/paste everything on pasteboards of glass.
PlayStoreCD PlayStoreCD 0.1b Utilities
PlayStoreCD will allow you to listen to the thirty second previews in the iTunes Music Store without interruption.
Remote Buddy Remote Buddy 1.0rc1r2 Utilities
The latest Macs ship with a remote control that allows its users to control Front Row and a couple of Apple's applications.
OS X Mirroring OS X Mirroring 1.0 Utilities
OS X Mirroring is a command-line utility to turn display mirroring on and off.