Utilities software reviews

Showing 3076 to 3100 from 3576 matches

iCornhoolio iCornhoolio 0.3 Utilities
Please don't make me actually describe who Cornhoolio is.
Set iChat Status Set iChat Status 1.0.2 Utilities
Set iChat Status is a totally impractical app I wrote, because I had too many status messages saved in iChat, and the scrolling annoyed me.
Set AIM Status Set AIM Status 1.0 Utilities
Set AIM Status is the AIM version of my "Set iChat Status" application.
DockAlarmTheClock DockAlarmTheClock 0.99 Utilities
DockAlarmTheClock is an alarm Dockling to remember you to go to lunch, or home, or go to work.
Internet Time Dockling Internet Time Dockling 1.1 Utilities
Internet Time Dockling is yet again another "Internet Time" clock which can be displayed continually on the user's desktop.
DNB Alarm Clock DNB Alarm Clock 1.2 Utilities
DNB Alarm Clock is a simple alarm clock application that either starts playing your iTunes Library or beeps repeatedly at the preset time.
Pocket Watch Pocket Watch 2.01 Utilities
Pocket Watch is yet another screen clock.
KevPP KevPP 1.0.1 Utilities
Kev's Preprocessor is a WebSTAR Plug-in allows you to do two things: 1) Restrict CGI programs from running from any folder on the hard disk or WebSTAR hierarchy.
CarbonErrors CarbonErrors 1.2 Utilities
Ever had an error number thrown up by an application, only to have no idea what it's all about? Well, there used to be a wee program for the Mac in the days before OS X, called MacErrors.
CommentEd CommentEd 1.1 Utilities
CommentEdv is a little utility that was build with AppleScript-Studio.
AutoCheck AutoCheck 2.4.2 Utilities
AutoCheck automates Apple's Disk First Aid (a free program distributed with Mac OS) to check all disks at once, except remote and read-only volumes and any you exclude.
ViaVoice Text Cleaner ViaVoice Text Cleaner 1.0 Utilities
ViaVoice Text Cleaner is a "Real Man's" typing correction script by RGS for ViaVoice.
searchReplace searchReplace 1.0 Utilities
searchReplace is an AppleScript that is intended to replace characters, words or strings with a character, word or string that you specify.
SheetSpeed SheetSpeed 1.0.3 Utilities
SheetSpeed will allow you to change the speed that sheets move on your documents and in your applications.
iCuistot iCuistot 1.1 Utilities
iCuistot follows the trend set by Appleā€™s iApps.
Savvy Clipboard Savvy Clipboard 2.1 Utilities
Savvy Clipboard is a handy tool that adds multiple Clipboard capability to Mac OS X.
Photoshop Keyboard Shortcut Fix Photoshop Keyboard Shortcut Fix 1.0 Utilities
Beginning with Mac OS X v.
JES Set Monitor Gamma JES Set Monitor Gamma 1.1.1 Utilities
JES Set Monitor Gamma allows you to change monitor gamma by creating a new color profile.
AppleWorks Mechanic AppleWorks Mechanic 2.0 Utilities
AppleWorks won't open? Here's the cure.
Claris to Office 97 Claris to Office 97 1.0 Utilities
The Claris to Office 97 script allows you to easily convert ClarisWorks/AppleWorks documents into compatible formats with Word or Excel (only for word processed and spreadsheet documents).
Adobe Illustrator Pantone Adobe Illustrator Pantone 1.0 Utilities
Adobe Illustrator Pantone is an update for Adobe Illustrator includes four PANTONE libraries: - PANTONE Solid Coated - PANTONE Solid Matte - PANTONE Solid Uncoated - PANTONE Process Coated.
Adobe Installer Permissions update Adobe Installer Permissions update 6.0 Utilities
Adobe Installer Permissions update is for customers using Mac OS X, v.
Adobe Photoshop 7 File Browser Adobe Photoshop 7 File Browser 1.0 Utilities
The File Browser Update plug-in increases the stability of the File Browser in Photoshop 7 running on Mac OS X version 10.
Plaxo Toolbar Plaxo Toolbar 1.0 Utilities
The Plaxo Toolbar for Mac synchronizes your Mac OS X Address Book with your Plaxo Universal Address Book.
TamTam TamTam 1.3.1 Utilities
TamTam allows you to easily manage your TomTom GO system - download maps, new voice tones and backup the entire system - all from the comfort of your Mac! The TomTom GO navigation system is connected and managed with a USB cable to the Mac.