System Utilities software reviews

Showing 576 to 600 from 1256 matches

LogPicker LogPicker 1.0 System Utilities
LogPicker is an AppleScript that allows one to configure up to seven different login backgrounds in OS X, one for each day of the week.
Open Special Folders Open Special Folders 1.1 System Utilities
Open Special Folders is an AppleScript that provides simple access to special folders defined by OS X.
Copy folder tree Copy folder tree 1.0 System Utilities
Copy folder tree is an AppleScript that duplicates a folder structure from a selected node into another selected folder.
Application Timer Application Timer 1.0 System Utilities
Application Timer is an AppleScript that will put a timer on any application.
Backup timer Backup timer 1.0 System Utilities
Backup timer is an AppleScript that simpley backs up a folder daily.
CPUMenu CPUMenu 1.1 System Utilities
CPUMenu allows you to watch CPU load in menu bar.
GeekTool GeekTool 2.1.2 System Utilities
GeekTool is a PrefPane (System Preferences module) for Panther or Jaguar to show system logs, unix commands output, or images (i.
Super-AutoTyper Super-AutoTyper 2.1 System Utilities
If you tranfered files from a PC to a Mac, the file type and creator might have been lost.
Extension Toy Extension Toy 1.0 System Utilities
Extension Toy is a small AppleScript which enables you to hide or show file extensions in a specified folder.
Desktop Rotate Desktop Rotate 1.0 System Utilities
Desktop Rotate is an AppleScript that Will cycle through the images in a dropped folder and use each image as the desktop picture for 10 minutes.
CUPS-PDF CUPS-PDF 2.4.0 System Utilities
CUPS-PDF is an open-source backend module for CUPS (Mac OS X's printing system) by Volker C.
Empty Trash Empty Trash 1.0.2 System Utilities
Empty Trash deletes stubborn trash files.
Eject Me! Eject Me! 1.1 System Utilities
Eject Me! is a small AppleScript that will eject any disk from your desktop that you choose.
Software Update By SW Software Update By SW 2.7 System Utilities
Software Update By SW forces Mac OS X to check for and install all available apple updates through ASU.
ScrollStyle ScrollStyle 1.1 System Utilities
ScrollStyle simply and easily changes scroll bar styles to single, double at one end, or double at both ends.
StartupDelay StartupDelay 1.0 System Utilities
StartupDelay delays the startup of startup items.
Iconliner Iconliner 1.1 System Utilities
Iconliner is a MiniApp which stores and restores desktop icon placements.
Finder Workspaces Finder Workspaces 2.2 System Utilities
Finder Workspaces is an AppleScript that gives you any number of workspace settings: what windows are open, where they are onscreen, and desktop icon positions.
Athenaeums Athenaeums 1.5 System Utilities
Athenaeums is an EIMS filter for archiving of standard EIMS log documents, specifically the error log, mail log, sending error log, and console log documents.
MultiAlias MultiAlias 1.3 System Utilities
MultiAlias is an AppleScript that creates files called multialiases.
Windolene Windolene 1.1.3 System Utilities
Windolene is Miniapp that stores and restores Finder window settings.
OnceDaily OnceDaily 2.2 System Utilities
OnceDaily runs startup items only the first time you turn boot your Mac each day, and not every time.
Recase Recase 1.2 System Utilities
Recase is an AppleScript that lets you change Finder file names to UPPERCASE, lowercase, or Word Case.
Copy File Twice Copy File Twice 1.0 System Utilities
Copy File Twice is a Finder droplet to copy a chosen file or folder to other folders by simply dropping the file/folder on the script.
Reorder Disk Icons Reorder Disk Icons 1.0 System Utilities
Reorder Disk Icons is a useful AppleScript applet that changes the order of the disk icons like it was before Finder v8.