System Utilities software reviews

Showing 526 to 550 from 1256 matches

Remote Kill Remote Kill 1.0 System Utilities
I was inspired to write this program after the Finder on MacOS X died on me a few times too many.
MBBench MBBench 1.0.2 System Utilities
MBBench displays the speed of you hard drives and recording devices.
CleanUsersFolders CleanUsersFolders 1.0 System Utilities
CleanUsersFolders is an AppleScript that cleans same folders for all users at once.
Fix Permissions By SW Fix Permissions By SW 2.7 System Utilities
Fix Permissions By SW runs the CLI repair disk permissions command.
PullTab PullTab 1.2 System Utilities
MacOS X 10.
Open - open file Open - open file 1.0 System Utilities
Open - open file is a Folder Actions Applescript that enables you to open a given file when the attached folder is opened.
Change File Types Change File Types 1.0 System Utilities
Change File Types is a simple AppleScript that allows you to change a files creator and type information.
DriveWizard DriveWizard 1.21 System Utilities
DriveWizard is a simple and powerful backup software.
TechTool Pro TechTool Pro 4.5.1 System Utilities
TechTool Pro helps recover, repair, and optimize your hard disk.
Clean Caches By SW Clean Caches By SW 3.2 System Utilities
Clean Caches By SW cleans out several key cache/swapfile folders.
TrashEngine TrashEngine 1.0 System Utilities
TrashEngine is ann AppleScript that presents an interactive dialog that allows a user to delete files without having to use the Finder directly.
Open Terminal Here Open Terminal Here 1.1 System Utilities
Open Terminal Here is a toolbar script for Mac OS X 10.
Make Numbered Folders Make Numbered Folders 1.0 System Utilities
I needed a folder for each month 1-12 for 20 years and this here script was the solution.
Attach Folder Actions Attach Folder Actions 1.2 System Utilities
Attach Folder Actions is a drag-&-drop ready application that simplifies attaching Folder Actions to folders and their subfolders.
Get File Info Get File Info 1.0 System Utilities
Get File Info is a drag and drop AppleSript which returns a file's creator and file type in a dialog box.
Alfizer Alfizer 1.0 System Utilities
Alfizer is a simple drag and drop tool which lets you set the type and creator of files to 'TEXT' and 'ALFA' respectively.
SleepNow SleepNow 1.0 System Utilities
SleepNow is a Mac OS X command-line tool which puts the machine to sleep, just as though someone had used the Sleep menu command while sitting in front of the machine.
iloc iloc 0.1.1 System Utilities
iloc is a command-line tool for creating Mac OS Internet Location files (e.
Trou Trou 1.0 System Utilities
Trou is a replacement tool for pbcopy that manages UTF8 content.
Type And Creator Changer Type And Creator Changer 3.3 System Utilities
You want to convert the type and creator of any file? You want to give you own type and creator or to give the same ones as other files? You want to perform the type and creator conversion on several files at once? You want to associate file with the applications of your choice? Then Type And Creator Changer is what you need! Here are some key features of "Type And Creator Changer": ยท Type And Creator Changer allows you to change the type and creator of any file manually or like another file.
PTHPasteboard PTHPasteboard 4.1 System Utilities
PTHPasteboard is a pasteboard buffer application.
PTHVolume PTHVolume 1.7.0 System Utilities
PTHVolume is a very simple menu bar volume controller for OS X.
iPod-Linux Installer iPod-Linux Installer 0.4b System Utilities
The goal of this project is to create an easy to use GUI program that enables Mac OS X user with iPods to install linux on HFS+ formatted iPods while still allowing users to keep and use the Apple Supplied OS.
Disk-o-Matic Disk-o-Matic 1.0 System Utilities
Disk-o-Matic lets you automatically open an item when its disk is inserted or mounted.
DragAnyWindow DragAnyWindow 4.5 System Utilities
DragAnyWindow is a way cool control panel that enhances the look and behavior of window dragging.