System Utilities software reviews

Showing 601 to 625 from 1256 matches

Make OS X Alias Make OS X Alias 1.0 System Utilities
Make OS X Alias is an AppleScript droplet that makes aliases from files droped onto it.
Principal Skinner Principal Skinner 1.0 System Utilities
Principal Skinner is an AppleScript that manages and installs new themes.
XFinderScripts XFinderScripts 1.0 System Utilities
XFinderScripts is a set of 4 Finder droplets built for Mac OS X.
Chooser applet Chooser applet 1.0 System Utilities
Chooser applet allows you to select a printer without using the chooser.
NetFinder Directory Cache NetFinder Directory Cache 1.0 System Utilities
NetFinder Directory Cache deletes the items in the Directory Cache folder of the NetFinder 2 Preferences folder in Preferences folder.
Privilege Processor Privilege Processor 0.9b System Utilities
Privilege Processor is an AppleScript that enables you to change Mac OS X privileges for files and folders.
Damage Isolation Damage Isolation 1.4.2 System Utilities
Damage Isolation (get it?) is a little app to ease the process of converting apple's Disk Image (.
Get-Set Comments Get-Set Comments 1.0 System Utilities
Get-Set Comments is an AppleScript that enables you to view and edit comments via contextual menu.
Documents Purgerator Documents Purgerator 1.0 System Utilities
Documents Purgerator is an AppleScript that deletes files that meet the defined criteria.
Screenshot Settings Screenshot Settings 1.0.1 System Utilities
This application is a GUI method for changing the screenshot (screen capture) settings in Mac OS X 10.
Informator Informator 2.0.5 System Utilities
Informator works alike the known Finder Get info but offers much more information, comfort and editing functions – all that immediately on selecting a file within the Finder.
Group in New Folder Group in New Folder 1.0.1 System Utilities
When chosen from the Big Cat contextual menu, Group in New Folder creates a new folder in the current Finder window and moves the selected items into the new folder.
Extension Adder Extension Adder 1.0 System Utilities
When the author saw a 721K program with this functionality, he figured he could do better in AppleScript.
Mac Shutdown X Mac Shutdown X 1.0.2 System Utilities
Mac Shutdown X is an amazing small utilities designed for Mac OS X to shutdown the Mac on a specified event (as an example when a file download, using Safari, is finished) or on a specified date and time.
Quit this Quit this 1.0 System Utilities
Quit this is a small AppleScript that quits applications of your choice quickly.
ClassicUnfreezer ClassicUnfreezer 1.0.1 System Utilities
The 'ClassicUnfreezer' is a Macintosh application tool designed to change internal settings of the Classic OS which prevent it from operating correctly.
Set File Type of Selection Set File Type of Selection 1.0 System Utilities
Set File Type of Selection is one of Apple's Finder scripts which has been modified to run under Mac OS X (Mac OS X is not a requirement for using it).
Lock/Unlock Selection Lock/Unlock Selection 1.0 System Utilities
Lock/Unlock Selection is an AppleScript from the people at Apple that will quickly and easily lock or unlock selected files or folders in the Finder.
unlock_files unlock_files 1.2 System Utilities
unlock_files is a simple script that recursively unlocks files in a dropped folder or set of files/folders.
IEdrag2script IEdrag2script 1.0 System Utilities
IEdrag2script is a 'folder action script' that will create a non-compiled Applescript text document from text dragged into the attached folder's open window.
Holeworks Holeworks 1.3.1 System Utilities
Holeworks is a collection of AppleScripts used to manage system and backup files.
AppZapper AppZapper 1.8.0 System Utilities
AppZapper is for people who want to confidently try new apps while knowing they can uninstall them easily.
ClassicWatcher ClassicWatcher 2.0 System Utilities
ClassicWatcher is a dock flag to indicate if Classic is running and quit Classic.
No Processing No Processing 1.0 System Utilities
No Processing quits, with one click, all running applications except the Finder, PrinterProxy, hidden applications and applications you have placed on the exceptions list.
DesktopRebuilder X DesktopRebuilder X 1.0.3 System Utilities
DesktopRebuilder X will attempt to rebuild your desktop via AppleScript by deleting the files which keep track of desktop-type information.