System Utilities software reviews

Showing 351 to 375 from 1256 matches

ToggleClassic ToggleClassic 1.1 System Utilities
ToggleClassic is a Mac OS X applet for quickly toggling the status of the Classic environment in OS X.
Shutdown Script Shutdown Script 1.0 System Utilities
The newer Macintosh models come with keyboards that do not sport a shutdown key.
DeleteCTX DeleteCTX 1.1 System Utilities
DeleteCTX is a simple droplet for removing HFS type and creator codes.
Sleep Script Sleep Script 1.0 System Utilities
Sleep Script - If you want to put your Mac to sleep immediately you would normally switch to the Finder and select "Sleep" from the Special Menu.
Type Fixer Type Fixer 1.0 System Utilities
Type Fixer was originally written for Mac OS X, where sometimes plain text files without creator and type codes (such as those produced by TextEdit) are changed to SimpleText files, meaning that Classic will start up if you double click on the file.
FinderQuit FinderQuit 0.1 System Utilities
FinderQuit is a small ultility written in Applescript.
Airport ALM Airport ALM 1.0 System Utilities
Airport State ALM is an Apple Location Manager Module.
MacMachBegone! MacMachBegone! 1.0.6 System Utilities
With MacMachBegone! you can make those pesky mach kernel files invisible in Mac OS 9 I currently reboot quite a bit between Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X.
LS Rebuild LS Rebuild 1.0 System Utilities
Launch Service Rebuild is a small ultility written in Applescript.
BackupScript BackupScript 2.1 System Utilities
BackupScript takes advantage of one of the Mac OS’s main power-houses: AppleScript.
iCPU iCPU 1.1 System Utilities
iCPU is an application that shows your CPU load.
iWillQuit iWillQuit 1.2 System Utilities
iWillQuit is a simple mean to save electricity.
Apple Mac OS X Updater Apple Mac OS X Updater 10.4.3 System Utilities
Meet the world’s most advanced operating system.
AquaEthereal AquaEthereal 1.2 System Utilities
AquaEthereal is an application launcher, written in Python, for the Unix-based Ethereal network monitoring program.
FileBrowser2Pro FileBrowser2Pro 1.7 System Utilities
FileBrowser2Pro is file browser program, which can make visible items invisible and vice versa; change the creator code or the type code of the file and show the text of the document in the text field or picture file in the picture field.
DockerdWGM DockerdWGM 1.2 System Utilities
DockerdWGM is a background application that gives you the ability to automatically execute shell scripts when volumes are mounted and unmounted.
PathFinderHack PathFinderHack 0.1 System Utilities
Problem: Finder functionality is hard wired into various parts of OS X so better alternatives like PathFinder lack some key integration.
TerminalColors TerminalColors 0.2.1 System Utilities
Problem: The default blue and red colors in the Terminal.
pwrcheck pwrcheck 1.0 System Utilities
pwrcheck is a simple, scriptable, command-line utility to determine if you are running on battery or not.
Glagolitic keyboard Glagolitic keyboard 0.9 System Utilities
Glagolitic keyboard layout (keylayout) adds a long-due and long-missing support for the oldest Slavonic alphabet, now included in the last release of Unicode 4.
LoginWindow Manager LoginWindow Manager 2.0.2 System Utilities
LoginWindow Manager can be used to manage several hidden features of the loginwindow application.
ShadowClassic ShadowClassic 1.0.1 System Utilities
Lab administrators face many challenges when trying to deploy Mac OS X systems with an installation of Mac OS 9.
Delocalizer Delocalizer 1.1 System Utilities
Delocalizer has been updated to be compatible with Mac OS 10.
Notification Watcher Notification Watcher 1.0 System Utilities
Notification Watcher is a small application I threw together that monitors all Cocoa distributed and workspace notifications and displays them in an easy-to-use list.
Desktop Icon Manager Desktop Icon Manager 2.0 System Utilities
Desktop Icon Manager (DIM) is an AppleScript which saves and restores the icon positions on the desktop.