LoginWindow Manager 2.0.2 review

by rbytes.net on

LoginWindow Manager can be used to manage several hidden features of the loginwindow application.

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 53K
Developer: Mike Bombich
Price: $0.00
Updated: 16 Aug 2006
0 stars award from rbytes.net

LoginWindow Manager can be used to manage several hidden features of the loginwindow application.

Here are some key features of "LoginWindow Manager":
Disabling the restart and shutdown buttons on the login screen (ok, this feature isn't hidden, but belongs to this group anyway)
Hide local users in the list of users at the login screen
Hide administrator users at the list of users at the login screen
Include network users in the list of users at the login screen (applicable only in conjunction with MCX)
Show the "Other..." user at the loginwindow screen
Disable the logout, restart, and shutdown items in the Apple Menu. This is useful if you're setting up the computer to be a Kiosk. (Panther only)
Disable the hidden feature in loginwindow that allows you to drop to a black, all-text login screen. (Panther only)
Implement scripts to be run at login or logout.

Except for the last item, these options are pretty much self-explanatory. There are a few things to keep in mind when implementing login or logout hooks, though.

What's New:
Upgraded for Tiger 10.4.3
Added support for showing an admin host information field in loginwindow
Added support for implementing a startup delay to wait for the availability of network directory services.

Mac OS X 10.4 ; Some preferences require 10.4.3.

LoginWindow Manager 2.0.2 keywords