System Utilities software reviews

Showing 376 to 400 from 1256 matches

Clean Shutdown Clean Shutdown 1.1 System Utilities
Clean Shutdown (CS) is an AppleScript which moves user specified files and folders to the trash, empties the trash and shutdown the Mac.
Odd Jobs Odd Jobs 1.5 System Utilities
Odd Jobs is a collection of powerful file-processing tasks for the Mac.
Sticky Windows Sticky Windows 1.2.1 System Utilities
Sticky Windows is an utility for Mac OS X 10.
Ram Disk Creator Ram Disk Creator 1.0.1 System Utilities
Ram Disk Creator is a tool to create Ram Disks.
ShadowKeys ShadowKeys 1.2.1 System Utilities
The extension ShadowKeys provides missing keys for Apple USB Keyboard and iBook or PowerBook built-in keyboard, and other Macintosh or PowerBook with an ADB keyboard.
CS Debugger CS Debugger 1.0.4 System Utilities
CS Debugger is a Control Strip Module dedicated to developers and Macsbug's users.
Measles Measles 2.2 System Utilities
Measles is a Mac OS X "desktop critter" that is both fun and useful.
backTOtheUSSR backTOtheUSSR 1.1 System Utilities
backTOtheUSSR - Use the flag of the USSR to represent Russian keyboard layout.
CHsoli CHsoli 1.1 System Utilities
Connect Swiss flag to Swiss German (Schweiz), Swiss French (Romandie) and Italian (Ticino) keyboard layouts to represent them in the menu bar.
DragStrip DragStrip 4.0.1 System Utilities
With DragStrip, you'll have one-click access to anything on your computer! Work faster, smarter and better by keeping your most-used information all in one place.
ShrinkWrap ShrinkWrap 3.5.1 System Utilities
ShrinkWrap creates disk images, exact byte-for-byte copies of disks, floppies, CDs, files or any type of data.
MonitorZ MonitorZ 1.0 System Utilities
MonitorZ is a small application to change the time of the monitor before it goes to sleep.
Smart Trash Smart Trash 1.1.2 System Utilities
With Smart Trash you can delete items in the trash using several additional menu features.
Folders Checker Folders Checker 2.0 System Utilities
Folders Checker is a great program that will help you organize and control the large number of files that tend to "grow" inside any folder.
Change Startup Disk Change Startup Disk 1.6.1 System Utilities
CSD is an AppleScript that allows the user to bypass the OSX System Preferences and change the Startup Disk.
Cronathon Cronathon 1.6 System Utilities
Cronathon is a free AppleScript application that lets the user run the three OS X built-in, prescheduled, maintenance tasks.
getPermission getPermission 1.0 System Utilities
getPermission is a straightforward Application which calculates UNIX numeric permissions for files.
Hack to the Past Hack to the Past II System Utilities
Hack to the Past II will bring back the shortcut key combo, Command + N, for creating a New Folder before Apple (Hello, McFly, anybody in there?), in their infinite wisdom, switched it to Command + Shift + N.
Tri-CLEANER Tri-CLEANER 2.0.2 System Utilities
Tri-CLEANER uninstalls any software, including the files created at the first launch of any application, invisible files, etc.
iPasteboard iPasteboard 1.1 System Utilities
iPasteboard lets you create an unlimited number of clipboards , easily accessible from a clean and efficient user interface.
AppSwitcher Control AppSwitcher Control 1.1 System Utilities
AppSwitcher Control is a handy application which allows you to customize the appearance and behavior of the Application Switcher in Mac OS 8.
NoZoom NoZoom 0.1 System Utilities
NoZoom is a utility to turn off/on the window zooming feature intruduced in MacOS X Jaguar (10.
StopDashboard StopDashboard 1.0 System Utilities
A reader asked for a version of the DisableDashboard widget which only kills the Dashboard without losing the ability to restart using F12.
One Key One Key 1.1.3 System Utilities
One Key allows you to use the function keys as hot keys to launch applications, run scripts or open files with a simple key press.
Quick Change Quick Change 2.6 System Utilities
Quick Change is a very simple program designed to do one thing, change a file's type & creator.