Utilities software reviews
Showing 1176 to 1200 from 3576 matches
Dadadodomax 1.0 Utilities Add files to your project by dragging them into the list view. Freeware |
AppleWorks File Repair Utility 1.0 Utilities AppleWorks File Repair Utility is designed to fix AppleWorks documents that have become damaged when the documents are saved from AppleWorks 6 running on a Mac OS X 10. Freeware |
Differences Examiner 1.9 Utilities Differences Examiner is a utility to compare and display differences between text files. Shareware |
Planet Thirteen Screensaver 2.1 Utilities Planet Thirteen is an alien environment with three moons, floating 'Humanoid Pods' that burst into flames when you touch them, and music from the progressive rock band, "Planet Thirteen". Shareware |
iMac 1.0 Utilities Like much of Apple's current line of offerings, the nearly 2-year-old iMac received a facelift at MacWorld Expo, NY, with those oh-so-yummy fruit flavors giving way to elegant new hues of Indigo, Ruby, Sage and Snow. Freeware |
Epoch Original Folders 1.0 Utilities Transform those bland, blue folders that yourMac originally comes with into folders thatappeal to the eyes. Freeware |
Text Lightning 3.0 Utilities Text Lightning is a utility for converting PDF files to RTF format. Demo |
PDFpen 3.1 Utilities PDFpen enables users take control of theirPDFs, allowing them to split, combine, reorder, and augment PDFs with text and image overlays. Shareware |
Daily Journal 4 Utilities Daily Journal is a simple to use journal with daily entries. Shareware |
ohNotes 2.2 Utilities ohNotes is an extremely handy application that lets you handle your notes with ease! Just click new, type in a main title and add a more detailed text to it. Freeware |
downCast 1.7.5 Utilities downCast converts XML documents valid according to the upCast DTD (and, in fact, any XML document whose DTD can be mapped into the upCast DTD) linked with an external stylesheet to Word and Rich Text Format (RTF) for editing and printing. Demo |
Tofu 2.0a2 Utilities Tofu is. Freeware |
Days Left 1.0.2 Utilities Days Left sits in your dock, telling you how many days are left to a certain due date. Freeware |
DialExtension 1.0.1 Utilities This product allows users of the Asterisk PBX to easily display a list of extensions in a small company and then dial them without having to use the limited directory on the phone or having to remember phone extensions. Shareware |
Tigger 1.4 Utilities Tigger proviides playing song - date and time - latest news - unread mail count - battery meter . Shareware |
HeckleWorks Pro 4.0 Utilities HeckleWorks is a robotic heckle, jibe, insult and realtime personality evaluation generator. Freeware |
BurnItAgainNow 2.2.1 Utilities BurnItAgainNow makes burning "linked" multisession CDRs really easy. Shareware |
WebPrint Plus X 3.1 Utilities WebPrint Plus X provides an easy-to-use, unique, and powerful set ofsystem-wide tools for collecting, saving, printing, and editinginformation with the Mac that work in virtually any program (includingweb browsers and email clients), that accelerate printing, that saveusers money by significantly reducing their use of consumables, that letusers select and save or print anything from a single character tomultiple pages, that let users add time-date stamps and notes to anythingthat they save or print (both text and images), and that greatly improveusers' productivity when using their Macs. Demo |
upCast 5.4.4 Utilities upCast enables you to use Microsoft Word as an authoring application for XML documents. Demo |
Mouse Locator 1.1 Utilities Mouse Locator is a usefull utility that ads a high visibility locator that instantly pinpoints your mouse position. Freeware |
Kensington MouseWorks X 3.0r1 Utilities Kensington MouseWorks X is a driver for Kensington input devices running under Mac OS X. Freeware |
PDF 2 Office Updater 1.0.3 Utilities PDF 2 Office is the revolutionary and comprehensive PDF document conversion and data extraction tool. Shareware |
Enhancement Pack for AppleWorks 1.7 Utilities Enhancement Pack for AppleWorks adds many new features to AppleWorks, accessible via new menu items, including new formula functions (eg Linear Regression, Frequency, Median); inter-database Lookup, Table of Contents, Text Along Arc, database batch field Replace, Compare word processing or database documents, Extract for XPress, and much more. Shareware |
MemoBlock 4.6 Utilities MemoBlock is a notepad utility for storing all of your little pieces of text into editable notes. Shareware |
MrTexture 1.5 Utilities MrTexture creates texture maps with tiles. Demo |