HeckleWorks Pro 4.0 review

by rbytes.net on

HeckleWorks is a robotic heckle, jibe, insult and realtime personality evaluation generator.

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 155K
Developer: TheDailyGrind
Price: $0.00
Updated: 22 Nov 2005
0 stars award from rbytes.net

HeckleWorks is a robotic heckle, jibe, insult and realtime personality evaluation generator.

HeckleWorks Pro can be used for filling evaluation forms, intermittent analysis while you work, or general heckling.

Here are some key features of "HeckleWorks Pro":
Extensive vocabulary
A "Yell Continuously" function to generate a constant stream of heckles, and speak them with a variety of voices.
A highly configurable timer allows the user to set up intermittent heckling, lying latent in the background.

Sample heckles:

"A linear penguin could discredit dwarf kicking to a greater or higher
degree than you!"

"You waste your time listening to this like a problematic former Burmese
strongman Ne Win!"

"You appeal to the Supreme Court like a sclerosed dirigible!"

What's New:
Choose heckling from 22 standard OS X voices
Expanded vocabulary
Insert heckles into other applications via the Services menu.

HeckleWorks Pro 4.0 keywords