Utilities software reviews

Showing 2976 to 3000 from 3576 matches

Big Cat Text Scripts Big Cat Text Scripts 1.0 Utilities
When used with the Big Cat contextual menu plugin, the Big Cat Text Scripts scripts perform actions on selected text.
Visual1553 Visual1553 1.0 Utilities
Visual1553 is a simple program to show you the breakout of Mil-Std-1553 command and status words.
Serial-Number Tracker Serial-Number Tracker 2.0 Utilities
With the Serial-Number Tracker FileMaker Pro runtime database, users can track application and extension serial numbers.
OSX Serial Port Tool OSX Serial Port Tool 1.0 Utilities
Serial Port Tool for OSX finds all serial drivers, whether connected through USB, such as Keyspan adapters, or Bluetooth, such as mobile phones, and gives you the ability to communicate with devices connected through the drivers.
FileInformer FileInformer 1.1 Utilities
FileInformer is a smal utility which will enable the user to get information and content previews for files.
AdiumTunes AdiumTunes 0.2b Utilities
With the most recent version of Adium, the ability was (re)enabled to use Applescript to script Adium's Status Message.
Stationery Stationery 1.0 Utilities
Stationery, when executed from the contextual script menu provided by Big Cat, converts selected files to stationery pads (folders are ignored).
MacRPM Utilities MacRPM Utilities 1.3 Utilities
MacRPM Utilities is a simple, open source GPL'd bundle of utilities for MacOS Classic who together can display information about and extract files from Red Hat Package Manager archives commonly used for packaging Linux software.
SourceGrinder SourceGrinder 1.0 Utilities
SourceGrinder consists of two droplet applications: SourceToPDF and SourceToPS, which accept dropped C source files and generate PDF and PostScript files from them, respectively.
Asram Poirot Asram Poirot 1.0.1 Utilities
Asram Poirot is a very fast engine for searching/replacing words and sentences in your files.
FreeWRL FreeWRL 1.17.1 Utilities
FreeWRL is an open-source VRML and X3D browser written primarily for the Linux (Unix) and OS X platforms.
CreateAlphabetAndNumb CreateAlphabetAndNumb 1.0 Utilities
The CreateAlphabetAndNumb AppleScript creates a set of aiff files that speak the letters of the alphabet and numbers 0 thru 9, and asks for which folder you'd like to put the sound files into.
BigBen BigBen 1.1.6 Utilities
BigBen is a program that shows the current date and time of one or more (max.
Chronometer Chronometer 1.0.0 Utilities
Chronometer is a handy utility to know how long it takes for you to do a certain task.
Session Guard Session Guard 7.0 Utilities
Messageware SessionGuard blocks the reuse of login credentials after users exit Outlook Web Access.
NavGuard NavGuard 1.1 Utilities
Many companies don't realize that Outlook Web Access can compromise the security of their intellectual property, and that forms based authentication (FBA) and ISA don’t offer total protection.
TimeGuard TimeGuard 1.1 Utilities
TimeGuard protects OWA accounts from users who fail to logoff and close the browser window, by automatically ending sessions after a period of inactivity.
Pocket Bar and Grill Pocket Bar and Grill 1.0 Utilities
Pocket Bar & Grill combines 750 mixed drink recipes from A through Z and 225 select gourmet recipes for your iPod.
Pocket Vegan Pocket Vegan 1.0 Utilities
Pocket Vegan now includes an index in each category with links to the recipes within that category.
RAFN OS Personal Edition RAFN OS Personal Edition 1.2 Utilities
Enjoy RAFN OS? How would you like a personalized copy? For an extremely Low cost, you can have RAFN OS and 6 months of updates personalized! You can have your name right on the program.
s@Data s@Data 1.0.0 Utilities
s@Data stands for Subscribers Database: this program is a light database where you can store info about subscribers/customers of your products (magazines, software etc.
ScriptEncoder ScriptEncoder 1.0.0 Utilities
ScriptEncoder, out of source file, creates a new file encoded according to your choice.
miniFile Info miniFile Info 1.0.0 Utilities
miniFile Info is a small utility which returns the size of a given file in octets.
File Info File Info 1.0.0 Utilities
File Info besides the size in octets, returns other usefull infos about any file (Locked/Unlocked, MacCreator/MacType etc.
Keyboard and Mouse Recorder Keyboard and Mouse Recorder 2.11 Utilities
You want to record your keyboard keystrokes, mouse movements and mouse clicks? You want to save them and to replay them whenever you want? As much as you want? In loop? You need to test the endurance of the graphical interface of an application? You have repetitive tasks to accomplish with your keyboard and your mouse? In a game? In a painting application? In a word processor? In the Finder? In any other application? Then Keyboard And Mouse Recorder is what you need! Here are some key features of "Keyboard and Mouse Recorder": · You can record your keyboard keystrokes, mouse movements and mouse clicks.