Utilities software reviews
Showing 2951 to 2975 from 3576 matches
Quicksilver Mouse Triggers 1.0 Utilities Quicksilver Mouse Triggers allows Quicksilver to perform a variety of actions using the corners and edges of the main screen. Freeware |
BBEdit Lite Recents 1.0 Utilities BBEdit Lite Recents is an AppleScript that deletes the items in both the "Recent Files & Favorites" and "Recent Folders & Favorites" folders of the BBEdit Lite Preferences folder in Preferences folder. Freeware |
TheHotFolder 1.1 Utilities TheHotFolder was created to give you an easy to use folder burning utility without the worry of format and media size. Shareware |
KillTheRipper 1.0 Utilities KillTheRipper is a handy script that deletes the invisible folder that MacTheRipper 2. Freeware |
Code Postaux Fran?ais 1.3.2 Utilities Code Postaux Fran?ais makes it possible to find the name or the postal code of a French city in the 39,090 towns of France and overseas. Freeware |
QuakeBar 0.80 Utilities QuakeBar is a simple application for OS X that sits on the status bar, and lists the most recent earthquakes in the world, with a magnitude greater than 2. Freeware |
SpellMe 1.0 Utilities SpellMe is a simple OS X Spell Check app, created to work in particular with OS X apps that do not support the built in spell checker (such as Firefox and TextMate). Freeware |
MP3 PrettyNamer 1.0b Utilities MP3 PrettyNamer is a small utility which formats your mp3-filename nicely taking information from the mp3-tags if available. Freeware |
List Manager 1.0.1 Utilities List Manager is a sample script made with Dialog Director scripting addition to deal with simple text files that have short records with single lines in them. Freeware |
HeliMail 3.2.6b26 Utilities Helimail provides mailing capabilities for Helix collections. Demo |
simpleFILEextCHANGER 1.0 Utilities simpleFILEextCHANGER is an AppleScript droplet that simplifies the process of renaming the extensions of several files. Freeware |
iCal.py 1.0 Utilities Apple doesn't document the API for interfacing with iCal, but it does save it's files as industry standard iCalendar files. Freeware |
CDCatalog 1.0 Utilities CDCatalog is a simple little app I coded up to play around with Core Data. Freeware |
DVFileDateCM 1.8 Utilities DVFileDateCM is a contextual menu plugin that allows you to quickly and easily see the recording date and time of a DV file from the Finder. Freeware |
TrueChecker 1.0.2 Utilities TrueChecker is a small but very usefull application that enables the user to check out if Barcodes, BI, Euro, ISBN, NIB, NIF are valid or not. Freeware |
Portugal Area Code 1.0.2 Utilities Portugal Area Code is a simple application that provides to the user a listing with the Portugal area codes. Freeware |
Book Base 1.0.6 Utilities Book Base is a simple book database the wil help you keep your books organized. Freeware |
IconColorDance 1.0 Utilities The IconColorDance AppleScript could be the basis for an elaborate screen saver that runs in the background. Freeware |
Format Address Book Phone Numbers 1.0 Utilities The Format Address Book Phone Numbers AppleScript will attempt to apply a format to every phone number of every person in your OS X Address Book, and generate a report which is displayed in the TextEdit application when the script finishes. Freeware |
nView 1.0.4 Utilities nView is a small application utility for viewing, searching and sorting tab-separated tabular data. Freeware |
Scaxion 1.0.3 Utilities Scaxion is an application utility for appending file extensions (only if needed) to PNG, PICT, JPEG, etc. Freeware |
Gardening 1.0 Utilities Got a green thumb? You should probably get that checked out, you know. Freeware |
Cash Flow 1.0 Utilities The Cash Flow whimsical stencil helps you track the flow of your riches - from cash register to gold ingots. Freeware |
Toy Building Bricks 1.0 Utilities We spend all day creating all sorts of things with Graffle; org charts, graphs, maps and more. Freeware |
LengthControl 1.0 Utilities LengthControl is a simple and powerful utility for those who still have to limit their file/folder names to 31 characters on OS X. Freeware |