Utilities software reviews
Showing 2551 to 2575 from 3576 matches
Kitchen Timer 1.0 Utilities Kitchen Timer is a simple alarm timer applet written in AppleScript which notifies you with a dialog and a sound when the specified number of minutes has passed. Freeware |
MenuAccess 0.1 Utilities MenuAccess is a simple app that uses minimal menu space. Freeware |
Mount CD-RW 1.0 Utilities Mount CD-RW is an AppleScript applet which uses Adaptec Toast 4. Freeware |
VersionGUI 1.0 Utilities VersionGUI is a small AppleScript which allows the user smart-editing of the version of any file. Freeware |
Disk Cat-Search 2.0 Utilities Disk Cat-Search is an AppleScript that can be used to catalog and search disks. Freeware |
DuplicateTester 0.8 Utilities DuplicateTester is an AppleScript which enables you to test tab-delimited columns of data to find duplicates. Freeware |
InterChange 1.0 Utilities InterChange is a user-configurable converter (Pesetas/Euros - default), (Dollars/Euros), (meters/inches) and (liters, gallons). Freeware |
Cookie 1.1 Utilities Cookie is an AppleScript quote/phrase/tip generator. Freeware |
RenameToWindows 1.2 Utilities RenameToWindows is an AppleScript droplet for renaming files to proper Windows/PC filenames. Freeware |
Set Creator Code to Photoshop 1.0 Utilities Set Creator Code to Photoshop is an AppleScript that changes only a selected file with a certain creator type that is specified into Photoshop file. Freeware |
BB Client 1.07b Utilities Big Brother is a highly-redundant web-based monitoring and notification program. Freeware |
Quote UnQuote 1.0 Utilities The Quote UnQuote package contains two scripts. Freeware |
GolfTracker 1.5 Utilities Want to keep all of your golf scores and courses in one place? This is the tool to do it. Shareware |
MultiDrop 1.1 Utilities Drag a file, files, a folder or folders on MultiDrop to open them with another application or script. Freeware |
Raya 1.1 Utilities A folder dropped on Raya is regarded as the target folder. Freeware |
anentry 0.2 Utilities anentry is a simple AppleScript to send an email via Mail based on the currently selected headline in NetNewsWire. Freeware |
Changior 1.4 Utilities Changior is an AppleScript which enables you to change creator/type of a file. Freeware |
Text to Phone Number 1.0.2 Utilities Text to Phone Number is a small AppleScript that will take a phone number which contains text, convert it into its numerical equivalent and then display the result. Freeware |
Check Folders 1.5 Utilities Check Folders is a useful FaceSpan application that informs the user when the content of a folder has changed. Freeware |
ThumbX 0.2 Utilities ThumbX add a thumbnail picture. Freeware |
Make Java Document 1.0 Utilities Make Java Document is an AppleScript which makes a Javadoc application generate a series of HTML document files, and move them into the folder as the Java source files that you have selected. Freeware |
Creator Fwork 1.1 Utilities Creator Fwork is an AppleScript droplet that will set the creator code of files dropped on it to that of Macromedia Fireworks. Freeware |
Creator Weaver 1.1 Utilities Creator Weaver is an AppleScript droplet that will set the creator code of files dropped on it to that of Macromedia Dreamweaver. Freeware |
Creator ShopR 1.1 Utilities Creator ShopR is an AppleScript droplet that will set the creator code of files dropped on it to that of Adobe Photoshop. Freeware |
Time Talker 2.0 Utilities Time Talker is a small AppleScript which speaks the time at any interval the user selects. Freeware |