System Utilities software reviews

Showing 1076 to 1100 from 1256 matches

Software Update Client Config Software Update Client Config 1.0d2 System Utilities
Mac OS X can download and install software updates from Apple via the Internet.
PAW PAW 0.5 System Utilities
PAW consists of Automator workflows, which are suitable to be used as Finder Plug-Ins.
Jumpcut Jumpcut 0.60 System Utilities
Jumpcut is an application that provides "clipboard buffering" — that is, access to text that you've cut or copied, even if you've subsequently cut or copied something else.
Process Wizard Process Wizard 1.18 System Utilities
Process Wizard is a menu hack that allows you to access to all the processes of your system (applications, background applications, user processes, non user processes) and to change their priority (Unix nice value).
Hidden Target Hidden Target 6+ System Utilities
Hidden Target provides a very simple way to show and unshow hidden files, and design to be very lightweight.
Shh Shh 1.0.1 System Utilities
Shh is a status-bar menu that executes user-specified BSD commands and displays the output as menu items to be read or copied to the Clipboard.
UptimeInMenuBar UptimeInMenuBar 2.2 System Utilities
UptimeInMenuBar is a background-only application which display in the menu bar the time elapsed since you boot your Macintosh.
Renew Renew 1.0.3 System Utilities
Renew lets you update all your software in the same style as Apple's Software Update.
Launch KDE Launch KDE 1.0 System Utilities
Launch KDE is a small combination between Apple script and shell script that Launches KDE (as installed by Fink) using Apple's X11 but with KDE's native window manager as a separate instance of X11 so that the normal Aquafied X11 can be used at the same time.
3 Maintenance Scripts 3 Maintenance Scripts 1.0.1 System Utilities
3 Maintenance Scripts are three simple applescripts that will launch your terminal window and execute the maintenance cron script for you after you enter an administrative password.
KeepSoundAwake KeepSoundAwake 1.3 System Utilities
KeepSoundAwake sits in the background and plays a "silent sound" every 20 seconds, thereby preventing the audio hardware from sleeping.
xbGui xbGui 0.9 System Utilities
xbGui is a wrapper for the following unix commands : • cat : file visualization.
AppHider AppHider 1.3 System Utilities
Drag & drop an application to AppHider and the app will be "hidden" from the Finder.
EmptyTrashFast EmptyTrashFast 1.02 System Utilities
EmptyTrashFast does one thing and only one thing and with very little fanfare.
More Internet More Internet 1.2 System Utilities
In the Mac OS each Internet Protocol (e.
SnoopDockieDock SnoopDockieDock 1.0b System Utilities
SnoopDockieDock let's you manage multiple docks for a single user.
Repair Disk Utilitys Permissions Repair Disk Utilitys Permissions 3.0 System Utilities
One of the more ironic permissions issues in OS X Jaguar is when the permissions of the Disk Utility application itself become corrupted.
MenuTemperature MenuTemperature 1.53 System Utilities
MenuTemperature is a small utility for continuously measuring your computer’s CPU temperature and frequency.
Amendment Amendment 0.6 System Utilities
Amendment is a brand-new way to fix spelling mistakes as you type.
Emacs Emacs 9.0pre3 System Utilities
Emacs is the extensible, customizable, self-documenting real-time display editor.
chronomaniac chronomaniac 1.0 System Utilities
chronomaniac is a schedular and alarm system.
Dust Bin Dust Bin 1.4 System Utilities
Dust Bin works as the normal Finder Trash Can, deletes items, ejects volumes, however 'Dust Bin' can recover the objects to the origin place (this can't do the Finder Trash) and 'Dust Bin' is independent from the Finder Trash: He uses his own Waste-Folder.
Wolter Trash Wolter Trash 1.0 System Utilities
Wolter Trash is, in fact, a trashcan: This application may be considered as very useful for some people.
Funnel Window Funnel Window 1.0 System Utilities
Funnel Window has basicly no purpose but proving Mac OS X's graphic engine's abilities.
Lockonoff Lockonoff 1.0 System Utilities
Lockonoff is a small application that locks & unlocks Files & Folder easily with Drag & Drop.