Multimedia software reviews
Showing 401 to 425 from 1287 matches
FILTERiT 4.1.2 Multimedia FILTERiT is a plug-in suite for Adobe Illustrator which features various exciting and unique effects. Demo |
mMedia 0.60 Multimedia With mMedia you can watch movies, DVD, pictures and listen to music / internet radio. Freeware |
Xine Plugin for NicePlayer 1.2a Multimedia Xine Plugin for NicePlayer is a fast video renderer that plays DivX, XviD, etc. Freeware |
LM Stitch 1.6 Multimedia LM Stitch is an application that will help you create wide-angle panoramic photos. Shareware |
Radial 1.35 Multimedia radiaL is a loop-based performance software with a beautiful and unique interface thoughtfully optimized for playing live or composing and designing in the moment. Demo |
DH_Box 1.1 Multimedia DH_Box is a revolutionary filter which makes it possible to quickly create picture-in-picture and split-screen effects. Demo |
Nikon View Update 6.2.7 Multimedia This is an updater for Nikon View 6 to version 6. Freeware |
Rampage 1.0 Multimedia Rampage analyzes TIFF, GIF, BMP, PNG and JPG-Files and gives out all important properties as size, resoloution, color mode, ICC Profiles and much more! Just drag and drop a file, a bunch of files, a folder or a bunch of folders on Rampage (it will search for files in all subfolders) and a report will be given out. Freeware |
iSLaP 1.0 Multimedia After a sound studio file has been split by its markers, this script will copy the latency of every other subfile into a preformatted Excel data sheet. Freeware |
MetaSync 1.5.1 Multimedia MetaSync is an Applescript Studio application that allows the metadata for two iView MediaPro catalogs to be synchronized. Freeware |
CubicConverter 2.2.1 Multimedia CubicConverter allows different types of panoramic images to be converted into and out of cubic format QuickTime VR movies. Shareware |
CubicNavigator 1.2 Multimedia CubicNavigator is a browser for VR panoramas. Shareware |
CubicConnector 2.0.9 Multimedia CubicConnector links cubic format QuickTime VR panoramas into virtual tours that can be exported as multinode movies or HTML-based single node movies. Shareware |
Speed-Camera 1.2 Multimedia Signwave Speed-Camera takes screen-grabs of your Macintosh desktop at regular intervals, and saves them as sequentially numbered PICT files in a folder on your Desktop. Shareware |
Anagrammar 2.1 Multimedia Signwave Anagrammar is a text presentation tool for Mac OS X, a bit like Microsoft Powerpoint or Apple Keynote (except much more powerful). Shareware |
Signwave Auto-Effects 0.1r2 Multimedia Auto-Effects is the software you use to transform your Auto-Illustrator . Freeware |
DH_Subtitle 1.0 Multimedia Text Settings DH_Subtitle is a generator effect for Final Cut Pro/Express which is dedicated to creating professional subtitles. Demo |
Color Pal 1.0 Multimedia Color Pal is an Adobe After Effects plug-in which provides a persistent, customizable floating color palette within After Effects. Demo |
MultiSnap 1.0 Multimedia MultiSnap is a very basic tool for taking screen captures on multiple screen systems. Freeware |
iSub Toggle 2.0 Multimedia Fed up that your iSub continues pumping when you plug in headphones? iSub Toggle is a small AppleScript that toggles the iSub on or off with one click. Freeware |
saveStream 1.0 Multimedia saveStream is a small AppleScript that will accept a URL pointing to a file at a streaming server as input and save meia to your hard drive. Freeware |
Chord_Studies 1.1 Multimedia Chord_Studies is a script for anyone who needs to remember those hard-to-remember chord formulas. Freeware |
phpTunes 2.0 Multimedia Ever wanted to show everyone what you're listening to in iTunes? Now you can. Shareware |
iPhoto Details 1.0 Multimedia iPhoto Details is a small AppleScript that will display the contents of the photo database. Freeware |
Annoture 0.9.2 Multimedia Annoture is a metadata bridging solution for Aperture and iView MediaPro! With Annoture, you're just a click away from sharing metadata between these two popular image management and cataloguing applications. Shareware |