Multimedia software reviews

Showing 401 to 425 from 1287 matches

FILTERiT FILTERiT 4.1.2 Multimedia
FILTERiT is a plug-in suite for Adobe Illustrator which features various exciting and unique effects.
mMedia mMedia 0.60 Multimedia
With mMedia you can watch movies, DVD, pictures and listen to music / internet radio.
Xine Plugin for NicePlayer Xine Plugin for NicePlayer 1.2a Multimedia
Xine Plugin for NicePlayer is a fast video renderer that plays DivX, XviD, etc.
LM Stitch LM Stitch 1.6 Multimedia
LM Stitch is an application that will help you create wide-angle panoramic photos.
Radial Radial 1.35 Multimedia
radiaL is a loop-based performance software with a beautiful and unique interface thoughtfully optimized for playing live or composing and designing in the moment.
DH_Box DH_Box 1.1 Multimedia
DH_Box is a revolutionary filter which makes it possible to quickly create picture-in-picture and split-screen effects.
Nikon View Update Nikon View Update 6.2.7 Multimedia
This is an updater for Nikon View 6 to version 6.
Rampage Rampage 1.0 Multimedia
Rampage analyzes TIFF, GIF, BMP, PNG and JPG-Files and gives out all important properties as size, resoloution, color mode, ICC Profiles and much more! Just drag and drop a file, a bunch of files, a folder or a bunch of folders on Rampage (it will search for files in all subfolders) and a report will be given out.
iSLaP iSLaP 1.0 Multimedia
After a sound studio file has been split by its markers, this script will copy the latency of every other subfile into a preformatted Excel data sheet.
MetaSync MetaSync 1.5.1 Multimedia
MetaSync is an Applescript Studio application that allows the metadata for two iView MediaPro catalogs to be synchronized.
CubicConverter CubicConverter 2.2.1 Multimedia
CubicConverter allows different types of panoramic images to be converted into and out of cubic format QuickTime VR movies.
CubicNavigator CubicNavigator 1.2 Multimedia
CubicNavigator is a browser for VR panoramas.
CubicConnector CubicConnector 2.0.9 Multimedia
CubicConnector links cubic format QuickTime VR panoramas into virtual tours that can be exported as multinode movies or HTML-based single node movies.
Speed-Camera Speed-Camera 1.2 Multimedia
Signwave Speed-Camera takes screen-grabs of your Macintosh desktop at regular intervals, and saves them as sequentially numbered PICT files in a folder on your Desktop.
Anagrammar Anagrammar 2.1 Multimedia
Signwave Anagrammar is a text presentation tool for Mac OS X, a bit like Microsoft Powerpoint or Apple Keynote (except much more powerful).
Signwave Auto-Effects Signwave Auto-Effects 0.1r2 Multimedia
Auto-Effects is the software you use to transform your Auto-Illustrator .
DH_Subtitle DH_Subtitle 1.0 Multimedia
Text Settings DH_Subtitle is a generator effect for Final Cut Pro/Express which is dedicated to creating professional subtitles.
Color Pal Color Pal 1.0 Multimedia
Color Pal is an Adobe After Effects plug-in which provides a persistent, customizable floating color palette within After Effects.
MultiSnap MultiSnap 1.0 Multimedia
MultiSnap is a very basic tool for taking screen captures on multiple screen systems.
iSub Toggle iSub Toggle 2.0 Multimedia
Fed up that your iSub continues pumping when you plug in headphones? iSub Toggle is a small AppleScript that toggles the iSub on or off with one click.
saveStream saveStream 1.0 Multimedia
saveStream is a small AppleScript that will accept a URL pointing to a file at a streaming server as input and save meia to your hard drive.
Chord_Studies Chord_Studies 1.1 Multimedia
Chord_Studies is a script for anyone who needs to remember those hard-to-remember chord formulas.
phpTunes phpTunes 2.0 Multimedia
Ever wanted to show everyone what you're listening to in iTunes? Now you can.
iPhoto Details iPhoto Details 1.0 Multimedia
iPhoto Details is a small AppleScript that will display the contents of the photo database.
Annoture Annoture 0.9.2 Multimedia
Annoture is a metadata bridging solution for Aperture and iView MediaPro! With Annoture, you're just a click away from sharing metadata between these two popular image management and cataloguing applications.