Graphics software reviews

Showing 801 to 825 from 1053 matches

Graph Paper Graph Paper 1.0 Graphics
With Graph Paper you can create graph paper which with you can print out plain graph pages.
Rays Bar Codes Rays Bar Codes 1.1 Graphics
Pick from the Windows menu to select which type of bar code to generate (only UPC A supported in this version).
Adobe Type Repair Droplet Adobe Type Repair Droplet 1.0 Graphics
Place the Type Repair Droplet in a convenient place on your hard drive, then drag affected PSD, TIFF, or non-password-protected Photoshop PDF files onto the Droplet to repair them.
Photoshop ignore EXIF color space plugin Photoshop ignore EXIF color space plugin 1.0 Graphics
When opening images from digital cameras, Adobe Photoshop 7.
Image Aligner Image Aligner 1.01 Graphics
The Image Aligner XTensions module to QuarkXPress allows you to perfectly align any two pictures in a QuarkXPress document.
Flexo Print Flexo Print 1.01 Graphics
The Flexo Print XTensions module to QuarkXPress is designed for use in flexographic printing where it is often necessary to adjust the horizontal and vertical scale of a printed page.
Adobe Web Workgroup Server Updater Adobe Web Workgroup Server Updater 1.0.1 Graphics
The Adobe Web Workgroup Server (AWWS) 1.
Photoshop Adjusted Refresh Photoshop Adjusted Refresh 1.0 Graphics
The Adjusted Refresh plug-in addresses the time it takes to visually preview some filter updates in Adobe Photoshop CS.
Photorec Photorec 6.3 Graphics
PhotoRec is file data recovery software designed to recover lost pictures or lost files from digital camera memory (CompactFlash, Memory Stick, SecureDigital, SmartMedia, Microdrive, MMC, USB Memory Drives.
Adobe Disable VM Buffering plug-in Adobe Disable VM Buffering plug-in 1.0 Graphics
On Macintosh computers, Photoshop can directly access up to about 3.
Piranesi Piranesi 4.0 Graphics
With Piranesi for Mac OS X, architects and designers can start with simple models and renderings, and use Piranesi's patented "3D Painting" technology to quickly fill in missing detail and produce artistic, hand-drawn effects.
QXP Font Info QXP Font Info 1.1 Graphics
QXP Font Info is an AppleScript applet that lets you list the fonts in the current QuarkXPress document, including fonts imbedded in linked EPS files.
Image Catalog Image Catalog 1.0 Graphics
Image Catalog is a QuarkXPress script by Sal Soghoian that will create an image catalog of images found in an indicated folder.
Image - Contents to PICT File Script Image - Contents to PICT File Script 1.0 Graphics
Image - Contents to PICT File Script is an AppleScript from Sal Soghoian for QuarkXPress that will save the contents of a selected picture box as a 72 DPI PICT image file.
Export Icon Plugin Export Icon Plugin 1.7 Graphics
The Export Icon Plug-in enhances Adobe Photoshop by allowing direct export of Photoshop images to MacOS custom icon files.
Find JPEGged EPSFs Find JPEGged EPSFs 1.0 Graphics
The Find JPEGged EPSFs AppleScript will search the current QuarkXPress document for Photoshop EPS images saved using JPEG compression and open them all in Photoshop.
Dfine Dfine 1.0 Graphics
Digital photography offers power, flexibility, and control.
Lobster Lobster 1.5 Graphics
Lobster is not a plugin but a Photoshop droplet that creates four new layers from your file: Luminosity ( a very specific type of tonality) and Red, Green & Blue Chromaticity (containing Hue and Saturation).
Adobe Photoshop CS 2 Update Adobe Photoshop CS 2 Update 9.0.2 Graphics
Professional image-editing standard, helps you work more efficiently, explore new creative options, and produce the highest quality images for print, the Web, and anywhere else.
Color MYKser Color MYKser 1.0 Graphics
Color MYKser is a Mac only stand-alone application that helps designers calculate 2 CMYK colors for mixing, multiplying, subtracting, etc.
Code Line Web Colors Code Line Web Colors 1.0 Graphics
The new "Code Line Web Colors" color swatch for Adobe Illustrator 7.
GiantColorSwatch GiantColorSwatch 1.0 Graphics
GiantColorSwatch shows a window containing a swatch of a color.
PhotoXpress PhotoXpress 3.0 Graphics
PhotoXpress is an AppleScript that can be used from any location on your computer.
BSmooth BSmooth 3.3b5 Graphics
BSmooth creates terrain models with 65536 levels for Bryce, the software for digital landscape creation made by MetaCreations (formerly known as metatools).
Check Pic Box Color Check Pic Box Color 1.0 Graphics
The Check Pic Box Color AppleScript solves the "jagged edge syndrome" encountered when a grayscale or color scan is placed in a QuarkXPress picture box set with a background color of none.