Business software reviews

Showing 426 to 450 from 834 matches

GroupVille GroupVille 2.1.2 Business
GroupVille is a scalable cross-platform groupware solution built on top of Apple WebObjects 5.
AusPos AusPos 2.0 Business
AusPos is a very simple little program that has a built in database of all the australian postcodes and suburbs.
QuickProject QuickProject 1.0 Business
QuickProject is an outline form (hierarchical) things-to-do list.
PDFKey PDFKey 1.0 Business
PDFKey allows printing of password protected PDF files without knowing the password (i.
Lectura Lectura 1.1 Business
Enjoy your ebooks without distracting interface elements.
Textalchemy Textalchemy 1.0 Business
Imagine that you have to search a tag and replace with another one from a lot of html files, or you have to change the line endings of a thousand of files or.
pdf-Office pdf-Office 6.2 Business
pdf-Office is a very progressive software solution to create PDF forms and documents.
Records Master Records Master 4.4 Business
Records Master is MacOS X software that allows you to collect important records (such as bank statements or receipts) in a database and allow for easy addition of new records, easy access to existing records, and optional automatic backup of the database.
QIF Master QIF Master 5.71 Business
QIF Master is a MacOS X Cocoa application that makes it easier to enter banking, credit card, and investment transactions into Quicken.
To-Do Stickies To-Do Stickies 1.3.3 Business
Don't get stuck spinning your wheels while working on projects and brainstorming new ideas.
TrialSmart TrialSmart 1.2.4 Business
Designed for Small Law Firms, Ideal for stand-alone Mac users or small member law firms.
SOHO Business Cards SOHO Business Cards 2.0 Business
SOHO Business Cards is the fastest way to design and print professional business cards on your Macintosh.
Baywatch Baywatch 1.0 Business
Baywatch transfers eBay auctions to iCal and sets an auction ending alarm.
Considera Considera 1.3 Business
Ever need to just type something quick but hate trying to decide where to save it? Need to keep track of a specific task or project and all the related documents? Considera lets you easily create, modify, and categorize documents.
24U SimpleFile Plug-In 24U SimpleFile Plug-In 1.0.1 Business
This file management plug-in for FileMaker Pro allows you to create, delete, copy, move, rename, read and edit all your files and folders directly from your databases.
JobOrder JobOrder 12.10.3 Business
JobOrder Management Software is an exceptional value for all project-based businesses, including advertising , architecture, construction, consulting, design, and engineering.
MacHylafax MacHylafax 1.12 Business
MacHylafax is a network fax client for Mac OS X that allows you to easily send faxes via a HylaFAX server (an enterprise-class fax server solution which is freely available).
Agenda Agenda 3.5.1 Business
The Agenda is a virtual device which can greet you, tell you the current date and read off your pending events and to-do items for the day.
Finance Finance 5.5.1 Business
Manage your checking, savings and credit card accounts with ease! Finance is a checking, savings, and credit card account management application.
WorkPapers WorkPapers 2.10 Business
WorkPapers is an audit, investigation, and documentation project management electronic working papers program designed for financial auditors, systems auditors, penetration testers, attorneys, investigators, compliance managers, and others.
PigMoney PigMoney 1.1 Business
Ever wondered where your money goes? We have, and that's why we've developed PigMoney.
MacPOSX MacPOSX 1.3.6 Business
MacPOSX provides the ability to use your Macintosh at the point-of-sale in your business.
MyTime MyTime 1.3.2 Business
MyTime is an easy-to-use time management application designed to help you keep track of the time you spend working on different projects.
EP Scheduling EP Scheduling 4.2 Business
Movie Magic's Newest Release, EP Scheduling 4.
GoogleMap DayLite Plugin GoogleMap DayLite Plugin 0.4 Business
A plugin for Marketcircle DayLite that allows you to search for addresses using Google Map.