Business software reviews

Showing 276 to 300 from 834 matches

TotWise TotWise 2.0.2 Business
Totwise is an easy to use, full-featured management and billing program specially designed for programs such as preschools, day care centers, sports leagues, scouting programs, and other youth oriented programs.
Days Away Days Away 1.4.1 Business
Days Away will periodically remind you of upcoming events by discreetly fading in to focus, pausing for you to read the events, and discreetly fading back out.
eSPIRE Sales Orders 1.0 eSPIRE Sales Orders 1.0 RC2 Business
eSPIRE is an enterprise-class, multi-user-aware sales order processing (SOP) management system.
DRAT DRAT 1.7.2 Business
DRAT is an incredibly useful tool for keeping track of the time you spend, related expenses, to do items for your daily tasks and projects.
SplashWallet SplashWallet 5.06 Business
SplashWallet is a program to connect your Palm handheld and use four virtual wallets including: SplashID, SplashMoney, SplashPhoto and SplashShopper.
AddressBook Printer AddressBook Printer 2.0 Business
AddressBook Printer is an application to print out a small Address Book with addresses from the Apple AddressBook application.
Clothing Organizer Clothing Organizer 8.0 Business
Use this Point-Of-Sale software to operate clothing stores and boutiques.
Helix Helix 1.2 Business
Helix uses a group of three primary and eight secondary objects, to construct—in an almost unbelievably short time--a practically infinite variety of software applications that most often involve data storage, retrieval and interpretation.
CoMa CoMa 6.2.7 Business
CoMa is an answering machine, voice & fax on demand system, send and receive faxes, terminal with internal send & receive z-modem.
Customer Tracker Customer Tracker 2.7.3 Business
Customer Tracker is an invoicing and customer database application.
Plasticom Plasticom 1.0d Business
PLASTICOM is a computer software for pre-operative plastic surgery communication between the patient and the surgeon.
HR-View HR-View 1.0 Business
HR-View maintains the information needed by Human Resources in a fast, flexible, yet cost effective manner.
HR-View X HR-View X 1.0 Business
HR-View maintains the information needed by Human Resources in a fast, flexible, yet cost effective manner.
Azlance Timeline Azlance Timeline 1.1 Business
Azlance Timeline provides an approachable means to create timelines for any event.
Tecplot Tecplot 10.0r6 Business
Every journey to the top of a mountain takes a different route, but the reward is always the same: an amazing view.
InerTrak InerTrak 3.0.4 Business
InerTrak is a time-tracking tool for designers, contract workers, lawyers, or anyone else who works on multiple projects on an hourly basis.
Khronos Khronos 1.2.2 Business
Khronos (a Cocoa app) is for people who need to keep track of the time they spend on each project.
Stock Stock 1.2.1 Business
Stock is an advanced Cocoa based inventory management system that utilizes a MySQL database backend.
FinKit X Interest Tables FinKit X Interest Tables 20061214 Business
FinKit X Interest Tables has a total of 63 tables with historical data (money market interest rates, government bond yields, retail bank interest rates) that can be used as reference data when doing FinKit calculations.
BK Task Timer BK Task Timer 3.0.1 Business
BK Project Timer keeps track of the tasks that you do for any project.
Plone Plone 2.5.2 Business
Plone is a content management system for web publishing and the Zope application server.
Barcode Producer Barcode Producer 4.2 Business
Barcode Producer is high-resolution, fully customizable barcode generation software for your Mac.
Praevius SoftBooks Praevius SoftBooks 1.0.3 Business
SoftBooks is designed to be a full-featured business management application.
TimeBox TimeBox 5.7.3 Business
The TimeBox application is a powerful, easy-to-use time management tool.
Moodle Moodle 1.4.3 Business
Moodle is a learning management system forproducing web-based course sites.