Utilities software reviews
Showing 2026 to 2050 from 3576 matches
Snow Globe 1.0.2 Utilities We could all use a little more holiday cheer, and Snow Globe helps you out. Shareware |
Launch Key 4.0 Utilities Launch Key is an automation utility that lets your Mac automatically do almost anything. Shareware |
Launch Time 1.0 Utilities Launch Time is another small but useful utility that will automatically launch or open any Finder object after your Mac has been idle for a period of time. Freeware |
iQuit 1.5.0 Utilities I quit. Freeware |
Party-Pod - College Edition 5.0 Utilities iPod drink recipes, college bar, frat, club locator & more. Demo |
NextishClock 1.0 Utilities NextishClock is an alternative to Apple's Window Clock, it has a few extra features such as themes and a calendar. Freeware |
Sandbox 1.2.2 Utilities Sandbox is built entirely in AppleScript Studio, much to the chagrin of real programmers everywhere. Freeware |
CalendarBOX 1.0.1 Utilities CalendarBOX is a customizable calendar pop-up utility for FileMaker Pro 7. Comercialware |
Dragger 1.0 Utilities Dragger is a simple utility using drag & drop to do different tasks - converting text, picture clippings, toggling the lockness and visibility of files or you can delete files by simply droping them on the main window. Shareware |
XL2K 1.7 Utilities XL2K intends to ease the use of Excel data in Keynote presentations. Freeware |
Organized Gourmet 2.0.2 Utilities Organized Gourmet - Manage recipes and schedule meals. Shareware |
iTunesShut 4.4.2 Utilities Do you asleep with music from iTunes? And want to shut down your Mac after the music has finished automatically? With this little app it is possible, without to schedule a time in the System Preferences. Freeware |
Romeo Plugins 2.0 Utilities These are some free plugins for Romeo, a freeware tool to enable you to control your computer from some BlueTooth-enabled cell phones. Freeware |
GrowlClock 1.0 Utilities GrowlClock is an unobstrusive clock based on the Growl Notification Framework. Shareware |
Omni Quick Outliner Pick 1.1 Utilities Omni Quick Outliner Pick adds the ability to backup all OmniOutliner Documents in your home folder with Backup3. Freeware |
Omni Quick Graffle Pick 1.1 Utilities Omni Quick Graffle Pick adds the ability to backup all OmniGraffle Documents in your home folder with Backup3. Freeware |
Filemanager PSP 1.7 Utilities FilemanagerPSP provides a simple way of transferring files to your PSP by dragging and dropping the file onto the appropriate button. Shareware |
JeditCM.plugin 1.0.2 Utilities On Finder, you can open selected files with Jedit or JChecker using the contextual menu. Freeware |
JLAA 1.0.1 Utilities JLAA is a background application which can enable you to access the Language Analysis Manager with Apple Script. Freeware |
Terminal Themes Utilities Terminal Themes are a collection of templates in snazzy colors for the Terminal application in OS X. Freeware |
FrontRow BTR 1.0 Utilities FrontRow BTR is a Sony Ericsson bluetooth remote control for Apple FrontRow. Freeware |
Compare Files 1.0 Utilities Compare Files is a tool for comparing the lines in two text files. Freeware |
Global Warmth 1.3.2 Utilities Global Warmth - Automatically receive the latest weather and forecast from your favorite weather stations from around the US and the planet - and display the info just the way you want, including as a menu extra, as a floating command center with hot tips, the classic thermometer view, on the dock icon, and in the multiple station viewer. Shareware |
KeyKaps 1.0 Utilities Ollie's Keys is an alternative way to launch the Keyboard Viewer reminiscent of Key Caps for Mac OS X 10. Freeware |
Check Off Quickpick 1.0 Utilities For users of Apple's Backup 3, you can now backup your Check Off tasks and preferences. Freeware |