Utilities software reviews
Showing 1376 to 1400 from 3576 matches
MacLampsX 1.1.1 Utilities Inspired by Tiger Technologies's Holiday Lights, MacLampsX allows you to decorate for Christmas, or any other holiday with user-creatable bulbs, as well as a small set of defaults. Freeware |
Sylvester 0.1 Utilities Think if it as Konfabulator, Watson, and Deskshade all wrapped into one, without the price or the refinement. Freeware |
Account Buddy 1.3 Utilities Account Buddy is a manager/organizer for all your accounts. Shareware |
iDVD3 Bike Chain Theme 1.0 Utilities iDVD3 Bike Chain Theme is a free iDVD theme that you can use for the creation of DVDs. Freeware |
iOpener 0.3b Utilities iOpener is a companion program to Apple's iCal software application. Freeware |
Address Book Exporter 2.1.2 Utilities Address Book Exporter is a little utility that does one thing, and one thing only: it will let you export your Mac OS X Address Book as a tab-delimited plain text file. Freeware |
Power Contact 1.2 Utilities Powerful address book and easy to use communicator in one. Shareware |
iCal Birthday Shifter 1.2 Utilities iCal Birthday Shifter makes events for the birthdays of people in your Address Book. Freeware |
Address Book Scrubber 0.2.1 Utilities Address Book Scrubber will fix some common data problems with Address Book contacts such as ill-formatted phone numbers or zip codes and goofed up labels like "hOme" instead of "home". Freeware |
Printer Setup Repair 5.0.5 TE Utilities Printer Setup Repair is designed to rectify situations where Print Center will not open, printers cannot be added, and numerous other errors. Shareware |
Geburtstags Checker 1.5.3 Utilities 'Geburtstag' is German for 'Birthday' which makes Geburtstags Checker an application that checks for upcoming birthdays and reminds you of them to avoid potential embarrassment if your memory is rather weak. Freeware |
MiniFonts Base! 1.1 Utilities MiniFonts Base! is a small, fast database that can be used to store registration codes, other software serial numbers, passwords and even credit card and bank details - because it is highly secure. Shareware |
PresenterActive 2.6 Utilities PresenterActive is a presentation tool. Shareware |
Time Track 2.0.4 Utilities Time Track is a time saving program, originally designed for consultants and freelancers to minimize time spent logging hours and to enhance billing accuracy. Shareware |
EggTimer 3.1.5 Utilities EggTimer is a simple reminder/timer utility. Freeware |
Digital Alarm Clock 2.7 Utilities Digital Alarm Clock is a small desktop application for your Mac. Shareware |
i Cal Time Zone Fixer 0.9 Utilities i Cal Time Zone Fixer is a utility that prevents Apple's iCal from changing the start and end times of calendar events when your Mac's system time zone changes. Freeware |
Avenir 2.3.1 Utilities Avenir is a suite of tools for writers. Demo |
ARTIS Team Task 2.2 Utilities ARTIS Team Task is a peer-to-peer (P2P) application to share tasks, ideas, and to-do's. Shareware |
NowPod 1.2b5 Utilities NowPod is a program that allows you to copy your Now Contact information directly to your iPod. Freeware |
Birthday Reminder 1.1 Utilities Birthday Reminder reminds you of upcoming birthdays. Freeware |
MrDiary 1.96 Utilities MrDiary is an application that makes it easy, in a single window and at-a-glance, to manage your weekly notes (on the left), a calendar with days with notes (on center of window), user contacts (on the right) in English or Italian language. Freeware |
ARTIS Team Task Server 1.0 Utilities ARTIS Team Task is a peer-to-peer (P2P) application using Rendezvous to share tasks, ideas, and to-do's. Demo |
ContactCreator.service 1.1.1 Utilities ContactCreator is a service that will take whatever text you have selected and make an contact in your AddressBook from it. Freeware |
TheTimer 1.7 Utilities "The Timer" is free, but you need to email the developer with a 'thank you' to get a registration number. Freeware |