Utilities software reviews

Showing 926 to 950 from 3576 matches

Quit CSM Quit CSM 2.2f1 Utilities
Quit CSM is a control strip module which lets you quit applications without having to activate them: you can quit a single application, the background applications and all running applications.
HandyMan HandyMan 2.1 Utilities
HandyMan is a control strip that acts as a Launching Module.
Clipboard Manager Clipboard Manager 1.0 Utilities
Clipboard Manager is a Control Strip module for Macintosh computers runningMac OS 9 and a Dockling for Macintosh computers running Mac OS X (10.
ScriptStrip ScriptStrip 1.1 Utilities
ScriptStrip is a control strip module that makes it easy to access all of your AppleScripts by placing them in the control strip bar.
Quote of the Moment Quote of the Moment 2.0 Utilities
QOTM is a storehouse and display case for all of your favorite quotes, sayings and bits of wisdom.
Pratchettes Pratchettes 1.0 Utilities
Fully editable, searchable and expandable quote data base from the witty and humorous works of Terry Pratchett.
Stopwatch CSM Stopwatch CSM 2.1 Utilities
Stopwatch CSM is a module which puts one or more stopwatches in yourControl Strip, so that you can time different events or keep track ofhow long you work on your projects.
MP3 Strip MP3 Strip 1.5 Utilities
MP3 Strip is the Control Strip Module what enables a high-quality playback and easy browsing through MP3 files.
TypePopper TypePopper 1.5 Utilities
TypePopper is a contextual menu that allows users to easily change type and creator of selected files in the Finder.
OpenUsing CMM OpenUsing CMM 1.6.2 Utilities
OpenUsing CMM is a contextual menu plugin that provides the ability to open a file using an application other than the file's creator, by taking advantage of MacOS 8's contextual menu.
OpenWith CMM OpenWith CMM 1.5 Utilities
OpenWith CMM allows you to quickly open documents with applications other than their creators via a contextual menu plug-in.
TypesChange CM Plugin TypesChange CM Plugin 1.0.5 Utilities
TypesChange CM Plugin is a fast and small Contextual Menu plugin to change files' type and creator codes.
FileCM FileCM 1.2 Utilities
FileCM is a very cool contextual menu that allows you to copy and paste files to different locations on your Mac; similar to how you can copy files and paste them in a different location in Windows.
Easy Open (PPC) Easy Open (PPC) 1.1.1 Utilities
Easy Open is an elegant way to access your favorite applications from within the contextual menu of the Finder.
Hippo Hippo 2.0.3 Utilities
Hippo is a contextual menu module that gives you an"Open with" submenu in your Finder contextual menu.
Icon Tools CM (PPC) Icon Tools CM (PPC) 1.6 Utilities
Icon Tools is a contextualmenu plug-in that lets younot only copy and pasteicons via control-clickactions, but also customizeyour icons in many wayswith the same easy access.
MovieUtilities CMM MovieUtilities CMM 1.4 Utilities
MovieUtilities CMM is a package of three CMM plug-ins which let you manipulate QuickTimemovies in many useful ways.
PlayMovie CMM (PPC) PlayMovie CMM (PPC) 1.1.2 Utilities
PlayMovie CMM lets you play movies directly from the Finder, withouthaving to open any application, and then goes away by itself.
PlaySound CMM PlaySound CMM 1.1.0 Utilities
PlaySound CMM can make life slightly easier for sound designers, musicians, multimedia asset managers, programmers, music editors, archivists, sound librarians.
Long Info CMM Long Info CMM 1.0 Utilities
Long Info CMM is a contextual menu module that allows users to see and modify the long file names that Apple is using in Mac OS .
A Better Finder Creators & Types X A Better Finder Creators & Types X 3.2.6 Utilities
A Better Finder Creators & Types allows you to quickly and easily change file-to-application associations by setting the creator & type attributes of a single or of multiple files.
ImageMan CMM ImageMan CMM 1.0.1 Utilities
ImageMan CMM is a Contextual Menu Module (CMM) that allows you to do basic rotating and scaling of images right in the finder.
Navi iRae Navi iRae 1.8.2 Utilities
Navi iRae is a control panel that provides menus, when you command-click in a window's title region, that lets you navigate through the path of the file, just like in the Finder.
With It With It 1.2.1 Utilities
With It is a contextual menu plug-in for the Finder that adds the ability to open a document using an application other than the one that created the document.
AutoTextTyper AutoTextTyper 3.0 Utilities
AutoTextTyper is a contextual menu plugin that lets you quickly and easily add commonly used text, such as email addresses, web sites, addresses, company names, signatures, form letters, and more, to a list of items in a contextual menu.