Utilities software reviews
Showing 926 to 950 from 3576 matches
Quit CSM 2.2f1 Utilities Quit CSM is a control strip module which lets you quit applications without having to activate them: you can quit a single application, the background applications and all running applications. Shareware |
HandyMan 2.1 Utilities HandyMan is a control strip that acts as a Launching Module. Shareware |
Clipboard Manager 1.0 Utilities Clipboard Manager is a Control Strip module for Macintosh computers runningMac OS 9 and a Dockling for Macintosh computers running Mac OS X (10. Shareware |
ScriptStrip 1.1 Utilities ScriptStrip is a control strip module that makes it easy to access all of your AppleScripts by placing them in the control strip bar. Freeware |
Quote of the Moment 2.0 Utilities QOTM is a storehouse and display case for all of your favorite quotes, sayings and bits of wisdom. Shareware |
Pratchettes 1.0 Utilities Fully editable, searchable and expandable quote data base from the witty and humorous works of Terry Pratchett. Freeware |
Stopwatch CSM 2.1 Utilities Stopwatch CSM is a module which puts one or more stopwatches in yourControl Strip, so that you can time different events or keep track ofhow long you work on your projects. Shareware |
MP3 Strip 1.5 Utilities MP3 Strip is the Control Strip Module what enables a high-quality playback and easy browsing through MP3 files. Freeware |
TypePopper 1.5 Utilities TypePopper is a contextual menu that allows users to easily change type and creator of selected files in the Finder. Shareware |
OpenUsing CMM 1.6.2 Utilities OpenUsing CMM is a contextual menu plugin that provides the ability to open a file using an application other than the file's creator, by taking advantage of MacOS 8's contextual menu. Freeware |
OpenWith CMM 1.5 Utilities OpenWith CMM allows you to quickly open documents with applications other than their creators via a contextual menu plug-in. Freeware |
TypesChange CM Plugin 1.0.5 Utilities TypesChange CM Plugin is a fast and small Contextual Menu plugin to change files' type and creator codes. Freeware |
FileCM 1.2 Utilities FileCM is a very cool contextual menu that allows you to copy and paste files to different locations on your Mac; similar to how you can copy files and paste them in a different location in Windows. Freeware |
Easy Open (PPC) 1.1.1 Utilities Easy Open is an elegant way to access your favorite applications from within the contextual menu of the Finder. Shareware |
Hippo 2.0.3 Utilities Hippo is a contextual menu module that gives you an"Open with" submenu in your Finder contextual menu. Freeware |
Icon Tools CM (PPC) 1.6 Utilities Icon Tools is a contextualmenu plug-in that lets younot only copy and pasteicons via control-clickactions, but also customizeyour icons in many wayswith the same easy access. Shareware |
MovieUtilities CMM 1.4 Utilities MovieUtilities CMM is a package of three CMM plug-ins which let you manipulate QuickTimemovies in many useful ways. Shareware |
PlayMovie CMM (PPC) 1.1.2 Utilities PlayMovie CMM lets you play movies directly from the Finder, withouthaving to open any application, and then goes away by itself. Freeware |
PlaySound CMM 1.1.0 Utilities PlaySound CMM can make life slightly easier for sound designers, musicians, multimedia asset managers, programmers, music editors, archivists, sound librarians. Shareware |
Long Info CMM 1.0 Utilities Long Info CMM is a contextual menu module that allows users to see and modify the long file names that Apple is using in Mac OS . Freeware |
A Better Finder Creators & Types X 3.2.6 Utilities A Better Finder Creators & Types allows you to quickly and easily change file-to-application associations by setting the creator & type attributes of a single or of multiple files. Shareware |
ImageMan CMM 1.0.1 Utilities ImageMan CMM is a Contextual Menu Module (CMM) that allows you to do basic rotating and scaling of images right in the finder. Shareware |
Navi iRae 1.8.2 Utilities Navi iRae is a control panel that provides menus, when you command-click in a window's title region, that lets you navigate through the path of the file, just like in the Finder. Freeware |
With It 1.2.1 Utilities With It is a contextual menu plug-in for the Finder that adds the ability to open a document using an application other than the one that created the document. Shareware |
AutoTextTyper 3.0 Utilities AutoTextTyper is a contextual menu plugin that lets you quickly and easily add commonly used text, such as email addresses, web sites, addresses, company names, signatures, form letters, and more, to a list of items in a contextual menu. Shareware |