Utilities software reviews

Showing 526 to 550 from 3576 matches

Batcher Batcher 1.2 Utilities
[info]Batcher is an essential, time saving tool for any mac professional or home user who needs to handle large numbers of files.
iChange iChange 3.0.1 Utilities
iChange handles all your problems concerning files.
Boot Config Boot Config 1.0.1 Utilities
Boot Config's a nifty little program that lets you enable/disable startup items on your computer.
Filomatic Filomatic 2.0 Utilities
Filomatic is a utility that can change file types, creator codes, and file name extensions from anything to anything and add or update image previews and custom icons to graphics files based on sets of predefined criteria.
To the Trash! X To the Trash! X 1.1 Utilities
To trash or not to trash – that is the question.
File Manipulator File Manipulator 2.0.2 Utilities
File Manipulator is the ultimate file/folder manipulation utility.
File Type File Type 1.0.1 Utilities
File Type is a program to change the file types (type- and creator-codes) of any file under MacOS.
Folder Spy Folder Spy 1.6 Utilities
older Spy is an application that allows you to monitor a folder for changes.
24U File Selection Info 24U File Selection Info 1.0.1 Utilities
24U FileSelectionInfo is a FileMaker Pro plug-in that allows you to automatically obtain information about files located in the Finder.
A Simple Dictionary A Simple Dictionary 1.0 Utilities
With OS X Tiger - Apple is including lots of cool widgets inclduing a dictionary widget.
Boinx Mousepose Boinx Mousepose 2.5.1 Utilities
Mousepos? dims the screen and puts a spotlight on the area around the mouse pointer, easily guiding the audiences attention or to quickly locate the mouse pointer.
Pseudo Pseudo 1.2.3 Utilities
Pseudo is a drag-and-drop application that allows you to launch other applications in the OSX Desktop as the System Administrator or 'root'.
Des Installer Des Installer 2.0.1 Utilities
Des Installer is a simple tool that reads the receipts generated when you install a .
File Freak File Freak 3.7.1 Utilities
File Freak is a program that offers a new and better way to get at your files.
Folseti Folseti 1.1 Utilities
Two simple shell scripts for starting the Seti and Folding command line clients with some instructions on configuring them.
JBrowser JBrowser 1.0b Utilities
JBrowser is a simple image browser based on the file system on the hard drive.
Alias Helper Alias Helper 1.3 Utilities
AliasHelper helps you manage aliases on your Mac by finding and displaying all unattached aliases on your hard disk.
Stubborn File Remover Stubborn File Remover 1.1 Utilities
Stubborn File Remover is a script that gives you a front end of the chflags command which is used in the Terminal to correct flags in files so they can be correctly deleted.
iSnip iSnip 1.4 Utilities
iSnip is the easiest way to manage and access your text snippets.
CleanArchiver CleanArchiver 2.3.1 Utilities
CleanArchiver is a simple and nifty archiving utility.
WatchX WatchX 1.2.1 Utilities
WatchX is a system utily which permits you to see what changed in your home directory, and more generally on your hard disk.
iChatViewer iChatViewer 0.5.1 Utilities
Do you use iChat? Need an easy way to navigate through your iChat logs? If so, then iChatViewer is for you.
Modifier Modifier 2.6.2 Utilities
Modifier is the best application for editing file attributes on your Mac! It now features batch info windows, a file browser, and a rewritten single info window architecture.
SoftBundler SoftBundler 2.0 Utilities
SoftBundler is an application for creating file stacks that will startyour favourite programs and documents by single doubleclick.
Force Empty Trash Force Empty Trash 1.0 Utilities
Force Empty Trash allows you to force emty and delete files in the trash can that otherwise can't be emptied in the Finder.