Utilities software reviews

Showing 326 to 350 from 3576 matches

iFicionado iFicionado 0.8.4 Utilities
iFicionado is like iTunes, but for cigars! I can't say it in a more elegant way.
You Select It You Select It 1.8.0 Utilities
You Select It is a photography album creator that makes it easy to create an album within minutes.
HappyWife HappyWife 1.1 Utilities
HappyWife sits quietly in the Dock, and periodically pops up with a declaration of your love for someone.
MacJournal MacJournal 4.1d6 Utilities
MacJournal is a program for creating, modifying, and managing a personal journal.
Booxter Booxter 1.9 Utilities
Booxter is an application to help you manage your book collection.
Sheethead Sheethead 1.0 Utilities
Sheethead Utility that will allow you to adjust the animation speed of your OS X "sheet" dialog boxes.
X-Statistics X-Statistics 1.3 Utilities
X-Statistics analyses certain aspects of the syslog files, where Mac OS X logs many status information of the system, and shows the information as diagram, graph or table.
Yum! Yum! 1.2 Utilities
Yum! is a recipe organizer with the following features:Dynamic searching of recipe text - found set of recipes updated as you type the search terms.
Finale Notepad 2004 Finale Notepad 2004 1.0 Utilities

Wine XT Wine XT 2.3.16 Utilities
Tne software Wine XT for Apple Macintosh MacOS X is an essential tool to manage the contents of your wine cellar with your mac.
Life2Go Life2Go 1.6.4 Utilities
Life2Go takes an ordinary iPod and makes it extraordinary by syncing news, weather forecasts, movie listings, stock quotes, horoscopes, driving directions and much more all with a few clicks of the mouse.
Mac Qibla Mac Qibla 3.0.1 Utilities
Mac Qibla calculates the proper times of Islamic prayers for any day in any location, using either a Western Gregorian or Islamic Hijira calendar.
viJournal viJournal 1.7.3 Utilities
viJournal is a personal journal application.
Bookpedia Bookpedia 3.3.1 Utilities
Bookpedia is a book cataloging software for Mac OS X.
Zippier Zip Zippier Zip 5.0.3 Utilities
Zippier Zip is a free patcher that allows you to modify the original Iomega Guest 5.
Sherlock 2 Ad Remover Sherlock 2 Ad Remover 1.0 Utilities
Sherlock 2 Ad Remover is a patch for the MacOS 9 version of Sherlock, which disables the rotating banner ads for all of the search sites in Sherlock 2.
DoThisNow DoThisNow 2.1.1 Utilities
By Menu.
WattchIT WattchIT 1.5.1 Utilities
WattchIT was designed to provide a means of determining how much it costs to operate a particular electrical device.
VPC Helper VPC Helper 3.0 Utilities
VPC Helper helps free up RAM and processing power for Virtual PC.
Respond! Respond! 1.0.1 Utilities
Respond! is a control panel that brings a limited form of preemptive multitasking to the Macintosh right now.
SpeedX SpeedX 1.2 Utilities
SpeedX performs common instructions found in all applications.
Bat Controls Bat Controls 1.5.1 Utilities
BatControls lets you schedule events (reminder messages, shell commands, and launch files) to execute when you want.
Turbo Mem Turbo Mem 1.1.1 Utilities
Turbo Mem will defragment your RAM and will reclaim the free RAM other applications doesn't use, as well as accelerate applications using a "turbo-charge" method, which puts disk information in RAM for much faster access.
X3 X3 0.1.2 Utilities
X3 is an application that visualizes the systemperformance in the form of a realtime rotating3D-object in the Dock.
Startup Doubler Startup Doubler 2.7.3 Utilities
Startup Doubler is a software acceleration program that compensates for sub-optimal disk performance to make extensions, control panels, the Finder and startup apps load faster.