Utilities software reviews

Showing 2876 to 2900 from 3576 matches

QuickerPicker QuickerPicker 0.9b Utilities
QuickerPicker is the perfect complement to the Dock.
CalendarReport.scpt CalendarReport.scpt 1.0 Utilities
AutoPairs AutoPairs 1.2 Utilities
AutoPairs is a free extension that helps you type parentheses, brackets, and braces.
Clipboard Magician Converters Clipboard Magician Converters 1.0 Utilities
Clipboard Magician is a desk accessory that performs various transformations on data on the clipboard.
MenuCapture MenuCapture 1.0.2 Utilities
Once in a while, I need to take a picture of the screen with a menu pulled down, in order to document one of my shareware programs.
PrintAid PrintAid 1.5b2 Utilities
I wrote PrintAid so that I could print to my aging ImageWriter while working in other applications.
Reference Link Reference Link 1.4 Utilities
Reference Link is a System 7-only INIT that makes THINK Reference 2.
Manual Maker Manual Maker 2.4 Utilities
Manual Maker is a simple application that converts a collection of SimpleText files into a low-overhead standalone document called a Manual Reader.
Carpetbag Carpetbag 1.4.3 Utilities
Carpetbag is a shareware ($5) control panel that makes fonts, sounds, FKEYs, and keyboard layouts available to your programs without altering the System file.
WineBook WineBook 2.1.7 Utilities
The cellar book application WineBook is a wine cellar management software for wine enthusiasts.
Rsync Backup Rsync Backup 0.1 Utilities
BackityMac BackityMac 1.3.2 Utilities
Have you ever wanted an easy way to backup all the important files in your home folder? Are you tired of sifting through the Library directory to find the folders you need to backup? Let's say you just want to backup your Apple Mail database file, not all you have to do is click the "Apple Mail" checkbox and click "Backup".
PocketMac Backup PocketMac Backup 1.0 Utilities
While it's true that PocketMac (or ActiveSync, etc.
PocketMac iCalPrinter PocketMac iCalPrinter 1.1 Utilities
PocketMac iCalPrinter enables you to print iCal appointments in "Office-Style" list format.
PocketMac for PSP PocketMac for PSP 1.1 Utilities
The Playstation Portable (PSP) is a revolutionary step forward for serious gamers and the Mac is the best computing platform.
GoBetween for Entourage GoBetween for Entourage 1.65 Utilities
Let's be honest.
PocketMac HoldIt! PocketMac HoldIt! 1.0 Utilities
Never again scramble to mute iTunes or pause your DVD player when the phone rings.
selfQuit selfQuit 1.0 Utilities
selfQuit, as its name implies, quits immediately after you launch it.
iPhoto Bulk Renamer iPhoto Bulk Renamer 1.0b2 Utilities
iPhoto Bulk Renamer lets you rename (or keep the name of) every photo in a particular album.
TableText X TableText X 1.0.7 Utilities
TableText is a program for the Mac OS which allows tabular information to be represented, manipulated and scanned as plain text.
Hex Fiend Hex Fiend 1.1 Utilities
Hex Fiend is a hex editor for Mac OS X.
NameCleaner X NameCleaner X 2.5.5 Utilities
NameCleaner is a utility for the Macintosh OS to manipulate file names and types.
Flash Comet Flash Comet 1.0.4 Utilities
Keep your life on a flash memory drive? CrystalFire Flash Comet can help protect that data! USB drives, pocket drives, keychain drives, thumb drives, flash drives, (or a host of other names) can store hundreds of megabytes (sometimes gigabytes) of data in a small, fast, portable form.
TEXT->ttro->TEXT TEXT->ttro->TEXT 1.0 Utilities
TEXT->ttro->TEXT is a small AppleScript which enables the user to toggle SimpleText documents from read only to read/write documents.
Client Folder Client Folder 1.0 Utilities
The Client Folder script enables the user to simply copy a person's disk (e.