Utilities software reviews
Showing 2651 to 2675 from 3576 matches
MAX Bookmark Pro 0.1alpha Utilities MAX Bookmark Pro stores bookmarks in categories with favicons and detailed website information. Freeware |
CurrentDateTime 1.0 Utilities CurrentDateTime is a small AppleScript which enables you to get current date & time or any optionally given date & time and return as formated string. Freeware |
CurrentTime 1.2 Utilities CurrentTime is a small AppleScript which enables you to get current time (system date/time) or any optionally given time and return as formated string. Freeware |
CurrentDate 1.2 Utilities CurrentDate is an AppleScript which enables you to get current date (system date/time) or any optionally given date and return as formated string. Freeware |
FMP to Scripter 1.0 Utilities If you use a FileMaker Pro database to store snippets of AppleScript code, and you use Scripter or Scripter PE as your script editor, FMP to Scripter will facilitate the quick transfer of the code from the database to Scripter. Freeware |
FMP to Script Debugger 1.0 Utilities If you use a FileMaker Pro database to store snippets of AppleScript code, and you use Script Debugger as your script editor, FMP to Script Debugger will facilitate the quick transfer of the code from the database to Script Debugger. Freeware |
Insert Unicode 1.0 Utilities Insert Unicode is a free AppleScript for Adobe InDesign. Freeware |
Imposition scripts 1.0 Utilities Imposition scripts is a set of AppleScripts for imposing InDesign 2. Freeware |
TerminalOne 1.0 Utilities TerminalOne is a VT102/VT220/VT320 color terminal emulator. Demo |
Ron’s NSLOOKUP 1.0 Utilities NSLOOKUP is a simple application which provides a GUI for the NSLookup command. Freeware |
Connect360 2.82 Utilities Your Xbox 360 is capable of playing back your music and viewing your digital photos. Shareware |
XCMD 1.0a14 Utilities XCMD is a scripting addition by Ed Lai that uses dozens of HyperCard extensions by Fr?©d?©ric RINALDI (XCMD and XFCN), Lai itself and a collaboration of Gary Bond. Freeware |
Cyrillic Addition X 1.1.0d1 Utilities Cyrillic Addition X is a small Scripting addition which provides various conversions to/from Mac Cyrillic text. Freeware |
Print in batches 1.0 Utilities When InDesign prints, it produces what is known as page-independent PostScript. Freeware |
InDesign PDF Utilities 1.0 Utilities InDesign PDF Utilities is a set of 2 AppleScripts for InDesign that help automate production of PDFs from InDesign documents. Freeware |
ScriptShiiva 0.9.1 Utilities ScriptShiiva is an application that adds AppleScriptable performance to altShiiva 0. GPL |
Secretary 1.0.1 Utilities Secretary is a stripped down version of my full script package (only includes the entering proximity new mail alert). Shareware |
Convert/Photoshop Action 1.0 Utilities Convert/Photoshop Action is a small AppleScript which enables you to change the creator type of any files dropped onto it to Photoshop's creator type. Freeware |
My Progress Bar 1.0 Utilities My Progress Bar is an AppleScript progress bar that can be incorporated into another script to give user visual feedback on progress being made by the other script. Freeware |
Mac-MoVe 1.2 Utilities With Mac-MoVe you can administer very easy and flexibly your complete model train collection. Shareware |
Mac-ProLi 1.2 Utilities Mac-ProLi is a small application for the administration of your (software) projects. Freeware |
Meander 1.3 Utilities Meander is a Mac application that plots points, plans routes and measures distances using any map, including maps you've scanned or those you've found on the web. Shareware |
Peep 1.1a Utilities Peep cracks open any file regardless of format and displays the contents as raw data or as text. Shareware |
Export Contacts to MP3 Player 1.1 Utilities Some cheap Asian MP3 players (known as S1 players) have a simple Telephone & E-mail browser, whose contacts are managed by an external Windows program (TELBOOK. Freeware |
Weather 1.0 Utilities Weather is a simple application which puts the current temperature in the dock. Freeware |