Graphics software reviews

Showing 626 to 650 from 1053 matches

Snowblind Snowblind 1.0 Graphics
The Snowblind Aperture Book Design Plug-In features 20 page layouts and over 50 additional CoreImage based filters that can be applied to photographs used in the layout.
Fade To Black Fade To Black 1.0 Graphics
The Fade To Black Aperture Book Design Plug-In features 20 page layouts and over 50 additional CoreImage based filters that can be applied to photographs used in the layout.
Aperture2iLife Aperture2iLife 1.1 Graphics
Aperture2iLife lets you take an Aperture project and use it, instead of iPhoto, in your iLife 06 and iWork apps.
Itsagif Itsagif 0.96 Graphics
Itsagif is a simple program for converting Macintosh PICT or Windows BMP files (or clipboard images) into GIF files.
Gif·gIf·giF Gif·gIf·giF 1.53 Graphics
Gif·gIf·giF is a small shareware program for producing GIF animations from screen captures.
The Logo Creator The Logo Creator 5.0 Graphics
The Logo Creator is made up of professional logo templates that you can manipulate in dozens of ways with characters and designs that will help brand your company.
Organoptics FX Organoptics FX 1.0 Graphics
Organoptics FX are subtle organic visual effects designed to be instantly usable in real jobs with a client sitting behind you.
Symmetrical Designer Symmetrical Designer 1.0 Graphics
Symmetrical Designer is presently in beta stage.
Nconvert Nconvert 4.51 Graphics
NConvert is a batch utility to convert graphic files with support for more than 400 graphics formats! NConvert is free for non-commercial use.
Toggle Runaround Toggle Runaround 1.0 Graphics
Toggle Runaround is a QuarkXPress AppleScript that will toggle the runaround of any selected object to and from item and none.
Prints Please Prints Please 1.0 Graphics
My wife requested this script.
iPhoto: exports as zip iPhoto: exports as zip 1.0 Graphics
iPhoto: exports as zip is a simple AppleScript which exports a set of photos in a zip archive.
PIXcompare PIXcompare 3.0b3 Graphics
Using PICTcompare, you can compare PICT files, and find out if they are identical, or at least very similar.
PICTcompare PICTcompare 2.1 Graphics
Using PICTcompare program, you can compare PICT files, and find out if theyare identical, or at least very similar.
ScreenCapture2PhotoshopPICT ScreenCapture2PhotoshopPICT 1.0 Graphics
By default, the System generates screen capture PICT files at startup disk's root level as SimpleText (TeachText) graphics.
Maya: NURBS Modeling Maya: NURBS Modeling 2.0 Graphics
Maya: NURBS Modeling 2nd Edition provides animators, visual effects artists, and game developers with an introduction to NURBS Modeling in Maya.
NDNoise NDNoise 0.4 Graphics
NDNoise is a Java-based freeware that enables to remove noise in digital images.
Delete Extra Paras QX Delete Extra Paras QX 1.0 Graphics
Delete Extra Paras QX is a QuarkXPress AppleScript which deletes trailing returns in every text box in a document.
rapidflickr rapidflickr 1.13u Graphics
rapidflickr is a plugin that is able to make generating beautiful photo albums & slideshows off your flickr account dead easy in RapidWeaver.
EDL Mirror EDL Mirror 1.2 Graphics
EDL Mirror solves the problem of getting a clean list for color-correction or shot logging of a master by clone the Record In/Out columns to the Source In/Out Columns, but removes all the speed changed edits, etc.
GraphicsImporter GraphicsImporter 2.2 Graphics
GraphicsImporter is a small scripting addition which enables you to change the status, format, size, resolution, color depth, compression rate of any image.
Batch Convert to 256 TIFF Batch Convert to 256 TIFF 1.0 Graphics
Batch Convert to 256 TIFF is a PhotoFlash script from Sal Soghoian that will convert every image currently open in PhotoFlash to 256 colors with dithering.
Peer Visual Update Peer Visual Update 10.4.4 Graphics
Peer Visual makes dynamic reports, charts, diagrams and other visuals for print and web distribution.
Scale Selection Scale Selection 1.0 Graphics
Scale Selection is a PhotoFlash AppleScript from Sal Soghoian that will scale the selection and its contents by the percentage you indicate.
Humble Pie Humble Pie 1.0 Graphics
Humble Pie is an AppleScript script that demonstrates the scripting ablility of Adobe Illustrator 9.