Graphics software reviews

Showing 276 to 300 from 1053 matches

ClassicDraw XT ClassicDraw XT 2.2 Graphics
ClassicDraw XT makes Quark's non-Mac OS X native applications usable with the Classic environment by fixing a number of annoying redraw bugs in XPress.
PrintMagic PrintMagic 4.0 Graphics
PrintMagic gives you total control of what you print by letting you select and print (or save) just the information you need -- anything from a single character, word, sentence, or paragraph to multiple pages.
Trilithon Protractors Trilithon Protractors 1.5 Graphics
Trilithon Protractors combines five angular scales tomeet the needs of web developers and graphic designers by providing precision measurement of angles.
Trilithon GuideLines Trilithon GuideLines 1.0 Graphics
Trilithon GuideLines displays horizontal and vertical guide bars on the screen,enabling precision alignment of items in web pages and other graphics application.
MultiPage MultiPage 1.0 Graphics
Create multiple page documents within Adobe Illustrator.
My Photo Album My Photo Album 4.2.1 Graphics
My Photo Album allows you to organize and display your photographs in a virtual photograph album.
Nonio C Nonio C 9.1.2 Graphics
Nonio C is a program for modeling large topographic and cartographic surveys using triangles, contour lines, slope charts, color shading, sections, and three-dimentional views.
Desktop Publisher Pro Updater Desktop Publisher Pro Updater 2.1.7 Graphics
DesktopP ublisher Pro is a high quality, low cost, full featured desktop publishing tool for the professional and novice alike.
Tiff-Sight Tiff-Sight 1.3.2 Graphics
Tiff-Sight allows you to view documents that were faxed directly to your computer.
DVD PictureShow DVD PictureShow 1.0 Graphics
Ulead® DVD PictureShow™ for Mac is simply the easiest way for MAC users to create and share exciting digital photo slideshows on CD or DVD.
Text-O-Meter Text-O-Meter 2.0.2 Graphics
SoftCare's Plug-in Text-O-Meter for Adobe InDesign and Adobe InCopy gives you complete control over text length and text overset, enabling you to count, display, edit and print overset text.
iPhoto Library Manager iPhoto Library Manager 3.2.4 Graphics
Apple's iPhoto is great and all, but when using it, one can't help but feel that there were some features that just didn't quite make it into version 1.
Chameleon Show Chameleon Show 1.0 Graphics
Chameleon Show is an Adobe GoLive Action for creating slideshows with many unique features.
Duplica XT Duplica XT 2.1 Graphics
Duplica is a QuarkXPress plug-in that allows you to sample some or all attributes of characters,paragraphs, pictures, boxes, lines and pages and apply them to otherelements in the same or another document, without altering the contentsof the Clipboard.
ArcherPro ArcherPro 4.0.4 Graphics
ArcherPro is the digital photography application that lets professionals, hobbyists, collectors, physicians, researchers, almost anyone to quickly sort and organize vast numbers of images.
ColorDesigner ColorDesigner 2.0.2b Graphics
A quick and easy to use tool to design color sets.
Mandel Bot Mandel Bot 1.1 Graphics
Mandel Bot adds "More Dwellage" and "Mass Dwellage" to the mix, along with some fixes for the file restore and redraw of the buttons area when in Classic.
Cropster Cropster 6.0 Graphics
Cropster is a QuarkXPress 6 XTension used to create professional layouts with marks, dimension arrows, guides & more.
ProScale ProScale 7.0.2 Graphics
ProScale is an XTension for QuarkXPress 6.
Photo Mechanic Photo Mechanic Graphics
Photo Mechanic is a photographer's image browser tool.
Array Array 1.3 Graphics
Array is an easy-to-use animation program.
DragIn DragIn 2.0 Graphics
DragIn is a QuarkXPress Xtension that adds drag and drop support for placing images in an XPress document.
ColorBreaker ColorBreaker 5.0 Graphics
Color markup of documents is a time consuming task that art directors and production managers have been doing manually since the advent of color printing.
ProGrids & Guides ProGrids & Guides 7.0.1 Graphics
ProGrids & Guides is a QuarkXPress 6 XTension Pro for setting up professional design grids with gutters or spacers, baseline grids, line counts and measurements, standard grids and more.
iDropper XT iDropper XT 4.10 Graphics
iDropper XT is a multi-purpose tool you've probably wanted in QuarkXPress.