Games software reviews

Showing 1251 to 1275 from 2047 matches

Death from Above Death from Above 1.0 Games
In the year 3, the Earth has been ruthlessly enslaved by an alien race.
Dual Pong Dual Pong 1.0 Games
This is a simple little pong program that I wrote for a competition that I ended up never entering.
Blew It Blew It 1.0 Games
Blew It is a dice game from deep in the backwoods of Illinois.
Killer Dice Y2K Killer Dice Y2K 1.1 Games
Killer Dice Y2K - Sequel to the all-popular Killer Dice, with a whole new set of Y2K fortunes.
Fortune Puzzles Fortune Puzzles 1.2 Games
Solve the puzzles and Madame Murghi will appear from the murky depths to tell your fortune.
Sudoku Game Sudoku Game 1.0 Games
Sudoku (pronounced soo-dough-coo with the emphasis on the first syllable) is a simple number-based puzzle/game played on a 9x9 grid that is divided into 3x3 subgrids.
Arena Crystalis Arena Crystalis 1.0 Games
Arena Crystalis is a purely experimental freeware game for the Macintosh.
Snoodoku Snoodoku 1.1 Games
Snoodoku is the new puzzle game from Dave Dobson, creator of Snood.
Snood Solitaire Snood Solitaire 1.0 Games
Snood Solitaire - Enjoy countless hours of fun with the 30 best Solitaire Card Games including Spider, FreeCell, Yukon and Klondike with Snood Solitiare for Mac OS X! Snood Solitaire for Mac OS X is a solitaire card game designed from the ground up for OS X! Snood Solitaire includes a game for every Snood Mood - easy ones, mindless ones and intellectually challenging ones too! Limitations: · Only 10 unique deals are available for each solitaire variation · The Rodeo feature is disabled.
Klondike Forever Klondike Forever 1.1.1 Games
Klondike is everyone's favorite solitaire game.
Freeopardy Freeopardy 0.9.4b Games
Freeopardy ("free-o-pardy") lets you host your own Jeopardy-like game for 1 to three players.
Amazing Text Fun Game Engine Amazing Text Fun Game Engine 1.1 Games
Do you fondly recall hours upon hours of Zork or Adventure in Humongous Cave? Does hearing the word "Grue" result in a welling up of emotion (mostly frustration)? Can you run down the proper action sequence for all of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy from memory? Well then you are probably a huge geek.
Pawns Pawns 1.0.8 Games
The object of the game is get pawns (whether black or white) to their wooden box.
WordBeGone WordBeGone 1.1.8 Games
Word Search.
Asteroid Rally Asteroid Rally 1.1.2 Games
Pilot your spacecraft through a 3D asteroid field to reach a series of waypoints.
Black Cube Black Cube 1.0.2 Games
Black Cube is a freeware game of logic and deduction for Mac OS X.
3d Brick Bash! 3d Brick Bash! 1.4 Games
3d Brick Bash! (v1.
3D Paddle Bash! 3D Paddle Bash! 1.4 Games
3d Paddle Bash! is a 3D version of pong, for Macintosh.
Boka Battleships Boka Battleships 2.2 Games
Battleship is a strategy game where two enemy players attempt to destroy each others' fleets, by guessing the position of their enemy's ships.
Boka Darts Boka Darts 2.0.1 Games
Boka Darts is a freeware game.
Boka Marble Solitaire Boka Marble Solitaire 1.2 Games
Marble Solitaire, which is also known as Peg Solitaire, is a single player game in which marbles are removed from the board when they are jumped over.
Beached Beached 1.3 Games
After a mysterious boating accident, you find yourself stranded on a small tropical island.
Beached II Beached II 1.4 Games
Whilst travelling out on the open sea, your boat sinks.
Naughts & Crosses Naughts & Crosses 4.0 Games
Naughts & Crosses is a simple application which I wrote during my misspent youth.
GalaxyMage GalaxyMage 0.1.0 Games
GalaxyMage is a free, open-source tactical/strategic RPG for Windows, Linux, and Macintosh.