Games software reviews

Showing 826 to 850 from 2047 matches

TaMiGoN TaMiGoN 1.1.9d Games
TaMiGoN is a new and unique logic puzzle game.
LinkLines LinkLines 2.0.7 Games
LinkLines is a remake of the classic Lines arcade puzzle game.
MacTarot MacTarot 1.75 Games
MacTarot is an inexpensive tarot reading program for Mac OS X.
Smart Lines Smart Lines 1.2 Games
Discover the most enjoyable four in a row game in three dimensions: Smart Lines is easy to play, beautiful and challenging! Prepare traps to force your opponents into playing where you want, or rely on the piles of balls covering the board to hide the line you're secretly building.
Nervous Breakdown Nervous Breakdown 1.0 Games
Don't be afraid to admit it.
GtkRadiant GtkRadiant 1.5.0 Games
Yes, here it is! You can now edit maps for your favorite games on your Mac: Quake 3 Start trek Voyager: Elite Force Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast Jedi Knight Jedi Academy Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Doom 3 (yes!) These applications were made by Eridan to make GtkRadiant's installation easier with a little help from the rest of the MacRadiant community: http://www.
Sudoku Susser Sudoku Susser 2.5.4 Games
Sudoku Susser is a free program that helps solve Sudoku puzzles.
Hydrothermal Hydrothermal 1.06 Games
Hydrothermal is a game where you build a space colony while protecting it from invaders.
DualMaze DualMaze 1.0 Games
DualMaze is a maze tilting game with two balls instead of one.
MacSudoku MacSudoku 3.0 Games
MacSudoku generates and allows you to solve Sudoku (otherwise known as Su Doku) puzzles, which are deceptively simple and addictive logical puzzles that originated in Japan but have recently become popular around the world.
loopTHEloop loopTHEloop 1.2.1 Games
loopTHEloop is a 'falling block' puzzle game for Mac OS X, where you must remove falling pieces of pipe before they fill the screen.
Kitty Spangles Solitaire Kitty Spangles Solitaire 2.2.2 Games
Kitty Spangles Solitaire has a built-in help system to get you playing quickly.
Xstats Xstats 1.2.1 Games
The best operating system, and the best game console come together in holy matrimony.
Emblem Designer Emblem Designer 1.0.1 Games
Design your Halo 2 avatar with ease.
Tesseract Trainer Tesseract Trainer 0.1.2 Games
Tesseract Trainer generates a full screen real time display of a rotating tesseract - the equivalent of the cube in 4 dimensions.
Ignazio FunHouse Ignazio FunHouse 1.2 Games
Ignazio takes a holiday to Frogland to visit one of his beloved relatives, and he suddenly find himself immersed in a fun house, with two entertaining games: Crazy Words and Magic Flowers.
xSort xSort 1.5.1 Games
xSort is a card sorting application for Mac OS X.
Sudoku Companion Sudoku Companion 1.4.6 Games
Sudoku Companion is an elegant Sudoku assistant for Mac.
Ultratron Ultratron 2.2 Games
The last human has been slain by evil killer robots.
aquadot!red aquadot!red 1.1 Games
aquadot!red is a 2D maze chase game inspired by the pacman games of old but with some key differences.
Puppytron Puppytron 1.0 Games
The last human family is already dead! Now only endless swarms of evil killer robots remain.
Alien Flux Alien Flux 1.6 Games
Defend the cutest, fluffiest little creatures in the Galaxy from a horde of evil aliens from the fifth dimension! With only fast reactions, animal cunning and a very big laser cannon to help you, you must rescue the Fluffies as malevolent Bubbles attempt to turn them into lime jelly.
qGo qGo 1.0.3r2 Games
qGo is a Go board, SGF editor and client for IGS/NNGS or similar servers.
Paradroidz Paradroidz 0.95 Games
Paradroidz is a 3D remake of the C64 / Amiga classic Paradroid written in Java.
XMahjongg XMahjongg 3.0 Games
Xmahjongg is a simple solitaire game.