Games software reviews

Showing 551 to 575 from 2047 matches

3D Euchre Deluxe 3D Euchre Deluxe 2.3 Games
3D Euchre Deluxe is an award winning Euchre card game with a 3D perspective on the game.
3D Pitch-Setback 3D Pitch-Setback 2.3 Games
Play Pitch (aka Setback) with dozens of colorful computer opponents or online against real people from around the globe.
3D Hearts Deluxe 3D Hearts Deluxe 7.3 Games
Play Hearts with dozens of colorful computer opponents or online against real people from around the globe.
3D Bridge Deluxe 3D Bridge Deluxe 2.3 Games
Bridge is a partnership card game that, like Spades, is descended from the old English game of Whist.
DomWorld DomWorld 1.0 Games
DomWorld is a collection of 5 dominoes games including Five-Up, Seven Rocks, & RaceHorse.
War Extreme War Extreme 2.0 Games
War Extreme takes the game War (originally featured as part of Stupid AppleScript Games) to the Extreme! It adds idiotic statistics, phenomenal speed, and the ability to crudely benchmark your computer over the minimal feature set of the original.
CrystalBall CrystalBall 3.1.8 Games
Pen and Paper Role Playing Game Utility for Players and Game Masters: Character Generator, create your own custom Character Classes, custom Races, and custom Creature Classes! Random Treasure Generator based on Encounter Level, Experience Award Calculator, Treasure Generator, Quickly create any character class from the SRD (System Reference Document).
JiXii JiXii 2.7.1 Games
JiXii is a jigsaw puzzle game that allows you to use your own TIFF or JPEG images to break apart and put back together again.
Fubar - The Game Fubar - The Game 150204 Games
Fubar - The Game is a top-down, turn-based adventure game.
Ortograf Ortograf 1.1 Games
Play Scrabble? on your Mac.
VisualBoyAdvance VisualBoyAdvance 1.7.2 Games
VisualBoyAdvance is a GameBoy/GameBoy Color/GameBoy Advance emulator for Mac OS X VisualBoyAdvance supports zipped and gzipped roms transparently.
Adrenalin Racing X Adrenalin Racing X 1.1 Games
Adrenalin racing is an arcade racer which features more than 20 custom cars and 10 unique tracks.
Trisection Trisection 1.2 Games
Trisection is a Tetris-style fast-action puzzle game.
Neverwinter Nights Updater Neverwinter Nights Updater 1.68 Games
This Neverwinter Nights patch will brind several improvements and fixes to the previous versions of the game.
Starbase Defender Starbase Defender 1.0.1 Games
Humankind's greatest hope against extinction is the development of a GATE CORE, a device which would allow free travel between the stars.
Vector Games Vector Games 1.0 Games
Vector Games is a game where you can feel the spirit of the 80's with this pack of four classic arcade vector games: Crystal Race, Mine Field, Galaxy Fight and Adventure, fast arcade-action.
SkullCrackerDeamon X SkullCrackerDeamon X 3.0 Games
SkullCrackerDeamon is game with simple rules, but only really smart player can win.
Stunt Copter Stunt Copter 1.0 Games
Stunt Copter is an old Macintosh game made by Duane Blehm, in 1987.
Project Magellan X Project Magellan X 1.0 Games
Project Magellan features fast, furious, shoot-em-up action with a myriad of killer enemies on the screen.
Encompass Encompass 1.0 Games
Encompass is a game that is simple in nature - you must trap the moving balls in the playing field using only your mouse.
Quyzzle 3D Quyzzle 3D 1.1 Games
Try to sort all the objects to make every row or column the same colour! Solve the puzzle on each level before your time is up and carry the seconds gained on to the next stage.
Spinshot Spinshot 1.0 Games
A 38th century amusement park game has been brought to the 21st century PC's and Macs.
IPS Patcher IPS Patcher 2.0 Games
IPS Patcher is used for applying IPS patches to ROM files.
Rendezvous Pong Rendezvous Pong 1.1 Games
Rendezvou sPong allows you to play pong over a network using rendezvous technology so find other compatible players.
Targetware Targetware 0.63 Games
Targetware is a massively-multiplayer, high-fidelity, cross-platform combat flight sim system that gives players total control over their flight sim environment.