Business software reviews

Showing 501 to 525 from 834 matches

Address Book Manipulator Address Book Manipulator 1.0.9 Business
The Address Book Manipulator plug-in provides a lightning fast two-way data exchange between FileMaker® Pro and Apple's Address Book® using nothing more than simple script steps.
BenchTime BenchTime 1.0 Business
BenchTime is perfect for recording time spent on projects.
MANAGizer 8 Appointment System MANAGizer 8 Appointment System 1.0 Business
First module of the MANAGizer 8 series: appointment system with full graphical look and feel like TeamAgenda® or MeetingMaker.
Birth Alert Birth Alert 1.0 Business
If you use Microsoft Entourage then Birth Alert can inform you that some of the person from your address book has a birthday today.
Palm Encoding Setup Palm Encoding Setup 1.9.20 Business
Synchronize your Palm and Mac with full support for national characters.
Palm Doc Converter Palm Doc Converter 1.9.5 Business
Using this freeware application you can convert electronic books between the Palm Doc format and common text formats (.
Custom Icon Calendar Custom Icon Calendar 1.3 Business
Custom Icon Calendar is a calendar application that allows you to add notes and place an icon on dates to remind yourself.
Mini Popup Calendar Mini Popup Calendar 2.5 Business
Mini Popup Calendar is a calendar for Macintosh and Windows.
eAuthorize eAuthorize 3.52 Business
The eAuthorize plug-in extends the capability of FileMaker Pro by providing a method to process credit cards and electronic checks directly from your database.
Mail Factory Home Edition Mail Factory Home Edition 2.4 Business
Mail Factory Home Edition is Macintosh app that has all necessary tools to fulfill any domestic mailing needs.
INtex Faktura vX Pro INtex Faktura vX Pro 5.0 Business
INtex Faktura vX Pro is a full ERP system with modules for - partners - products - orders - letters&contacts - texts&info Based on FileMaker Pro with very much flexibility.
BrainForest BrainForest 4.0.4 Business
BrainForest is the premier outliner, checklist manager, idea keeper, and project planner for Palm OS® handheld users.
WikiNotes WikiNotes 1.1 Business
A Wiki as a native application.
PI/E, Pro Invoice Estimate PI/E, Pro Invoice Estimate 6.3.18 Business
PI/E is a business management tool for the photographic industry.
LeadingProject LeadingProject 1.3.6 Business
LeadingProject - Manage multiple projects.
Znippetizer-X Znippetizer-X 1.6.6 Business
Znippetizer-X is a small tool to help programmers, writers, scientists, lawyers, and other people who need to quickly sort, organize, and categorize things.
Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac Service Pack 2 Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac Service Pack 2 (11.2.0) Business
Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac provides the intuitive, intelligent tools you need to transform your ideas and opportunities into action.
GanttProject GanttProject 2.0-pre2 Business
Ganttproject is a pure Java application thats lets you plan project using Gantt charts.
Microsoft Office 2001 for Mac Security Update Microsoft Office 2001 for Mac Security Update 9.0.6 Business
This update addresses several buffer overrun vulnerabilities in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Entourage for Office 2001.
Daneismos Lite Daneismos Lite 1.1 Business
Daneismos is a lending management software especially dedicated to the small and average libraries.
iFly iFly 1.0.4 Business
Earthrise iFly (iFly) is useful and fun to use software for travellers.
Formulate Formulate 0.0.1 Business
Formulate is a simple Mac OS X application that allows one to overlay text on top of a PDF file.
iCafeSystem iCafeSystem 2.61 Business
iCafe Server is the Internet Cafe solution for the Apple Macintosh.
Quantrix Modeler Quantrix Modeler 2019.3.0 Business
With Quantrix Modeler you can explore multiple dimensions simultaneously.
small time small time 1.0 Business
small time is a simple time clock which will let employees clock in and out.