user reviews and downloads
Search results for «user»:
Showing 1 to 10 from 10 matches
XP Home User Manager 2.3 User management tool for Win7/XP/Vista Home editions Shareware |
UserProfilesView 1.10 View user profiles information on your system. Freeware |
User Management Lite - Windows Users Management Ad 5.4 Free advanced user creation with resources for Windows NT and Active Directory Freeware |
IMI Fast User Manager and Reports IMI Fast User Manager & Reports allows you to modify and export user properties Commercial |
User Manager for XP/Vista 2.2 XP Home User manager is software provides a GUI to manage users and groups Shareware |
User Refresh 1.0.1 Faronics User Refresh Mac allows administrators to maintain baseline user account configurations regardless of user activity. Demo |
RunAsUser DLL 1.08 RunAsUser DLL is used to run programs under a different user account. Shareware |
CacheFileFixer 1.0 Sometimes, applications such as Adobe Creative Suite will create cache files under a user login that don't actually belong to the user. Freeware |
User Agent 1.0 User Agent is a small AppleScript that enables you to display the user agent/x-, mailer header of an incoming message. Freeware |
NOV User Interface for .NET 2017.1 Cross-Platform User Interface Controls for .NET application development. Freeware |
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