items reviews and downloads

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WBC Speakable Items WBC Speakable Items 1.0
WBC Speakable Items is a collection of speakable items for various applications, mostly iTunes.
Run Wakeup Items Run Wakeup Items 1.0
Run Wakeup Items is a simple AppleScript which enables you to open the Wakeup Items folder upon waking up.
Mac OS Items Manager Mac OS Items Manager 2.0.1a
Mac OS Items Manager 2 is a system utility that allows to enable/disable Contextual Menu Items, Control Strip Modules, Apple Menu Items and Fonts.
StartupDelay StartupDelay 1.0
StartupDelay delays the startup of startup items.
OnceDaily OnceDaily 2.2
OnceDaily runs startup items only the first time you turn boot your Mac each day, and not every time.
Startup Master Startup Master 1.4
Powerful and easy-to-use startup manager.
Smart Items Smart Items 1.1
Collection organizer for any items. Viwers available for Palm and PocketPC.
Select Disk Desktop Items Select Disk Desktop Items 1.0
Since the desktop space is common to all of your disks, it can sometimes get confusing as to which items are on which volumes.
XPert Layers XPert Layers 2.1.3
XPert Layers provides an easy way to work with QuarkXPress items by letting you locate, select, and modify items by layer.
Align Selected Items Align Selected Items 1.0
Align Selected Items is an AppleScript that will align the icons of only selected Finder items.

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