Game Networking Manager 2.0 review

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GNM is a general use networking layer for REALbasic.

License: Freeware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 0K
Developer: Tomis Erwin
Price: $0.00
Updated: 09 Jun 2006
0 stars award from

GNM is a general use networking layer for REALbasic. It handles all of the dirty stuff, so you can take care of the fun stuff...

Here are some key features of "Game Networking Manager":
Developed with REALbasic 5.5, and open source
GNM will automatically recognize and connect to other GNM clients on a network, it can directly connect via IP as well.
Messages are sent using an easy Event Type - Event Data structure. Events can be broadcast, or sent to a specific user.
Designed to be cross-platform (Though only tested on MacOS X 10.3).

REALbasic 5.5.

Game Networking Manager 2.0 keywords