FTPKit 1.5 review

by rbytes.net on

FTPKit is a full-featured extensible FTP socket for REALBasic.

License: Demo
OS: Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
File size: 709K
Developer: Bains Software
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Price: $30.00
Updated: 17 Oct 2006
0 stars award from rbytes.net

FTPKit is a full-featured extensible FTP socket for REALBasic. It automatically parses FTP listings, allows for directory downloads and uploads, changing file permissions, custom commands, and features a powerful queue system.

FTPKit - REALbasic FTP socket classes

Here are some key features of "FTPKit":
Designed with flexibility and easy of use in mind.
Built-in support for directory uploads and downloads.
Powerful queue system makes complex tasks simple.

FTPKit will display registration reminders until a serial number is purchased.

FTPKit requires REALBasic 5.5 or later

What's New:
This version adds support for secure FTP via SSL/TLS

FTPKit 1.5 keywords