Monkeybread REALbasic plugin 6.3 review

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This plugin adds around 11, functions, methods and classes to REALbasic.

License: Shareware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 0K
Developer: Monkeybread Software
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Price: $48.00
Updated: 07 Sep 2006
0 stars award from

This plugin adds around 11, functions, methods and classes to REALbasic.

Visit the website for a list of features. (The plugin can be downloaded as a 20 MB big package or in pieces).

You can try the plugin for free inside the REALbasic IDE. Call the register method with a serial of value 0 to try the plugin in compiled applications. You will see less registration dialogs than without calling the Registration function at all.

What's New:
universal support (requires RB 2006r4 to be used)
Added BlowfishMBS for encryption
Added UUIDMBS for unique IDs.

Realbasic 3.5 or higher (up to RB 5.5).

Monkeybread REALbasic plugin 6.3 keywords