Crm4Mac 3.0b7 review
DownloadYou care about your friends and business relations.
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You care about your friends and business relations. You need to know what you discussed with whom, when you last met and what precisely was communicated on paper. Perhaps you even want to invoice based on events in your calendar. Somewhere, yes somewhere in your Mac all these facts are stored, but where? Crm4Mac shows you, swiftly and surprisingly easy.
What you are looking for is in fact a professional contact manager. The most important key elements are already in your hands. With Mac OS X, you got powerful applications like Address Book, iCal and Mail already installed. The only thing missing is the link between all these applications; one application which links your events, mail and documents to your private and business contacts. This is precisely what Crm4Mac does for you.
Crm4Mac gives the user full insight in all communications. From each contact you can access all relevant info immediately.
A single mouse click gives you insight of all correspondence on paper, email and meetings. In this sense, Crm4Mac offers you professional contact management with the ease of use of a true Apple application.
Here are some key features of "CrmMac":
Events, meetings and birthdays.
All your meetings are noted in iCal. In Crm4Mac you can create iCal events.
Organizations, persons and groups.
In AddressBook you create, edit or delete persons and organizations. Since 10.3 you can create your own fields to fit your need. Mailing and project groups are powerful functionality of AddressBook.
eMail as default communication.
Apple Mail is extremely efficient and modern for managing your email. Regardless whether you have 1 or multiple accounts. Advanced technology prevents you from spam email and shows threads in email communication.
Every document, invoice, drawing at hand.
The Mac is our beloved and prefered tool to create documents. Regardless whether it’s nature is business, creative of personal. There are thousands of OS-X applications.
30 days free trial.
What's New:
Languages English; French; Dutch; German (draft)
Filter buttons also greyed when pressed (useful for those who have visual problems with red/green colors)
Removed calendars in iCal will be removed from Crm4Mac at next startup of Crm4Mac. All accompanied events and todo's are deleted from Crm4Mac database
Improved synchronisation of changes made in iCal while Crm4Mac not running
Project and type selectable at messages
Removing of projecttypes in activities
Crm4Mac 3.0b7 keywords