Web Echo 1.5 review

by rbytes.net on

Web Echo allows you to publish your iWeb site ( or any other of your web pages ) to your web server.

License: Shareware
OS: Mac OS X
File size: 2209K
Developer: Wide Angle Software
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Price: $12.00
Updated: 07 Aug 2006
0 stars award from rbytes.net

Web Echo allows you to publish your iWeb site ( or any other of your web pages ) to your web server. It only updates those files that have changed. Web Echo is aware of web Echo and will automatically configure itself to handle uploading of iWeb sites without a .mac account.

The program can also generate HTML files for you based on what is present in your local folder. Say you have a folder full of picures you need to share with the world. No problem, point web echo at that folder. Web Echo will upload your pictures and generate HTML files so that your vistors can browse your site.

The demo is restricted to 15 days unlimited functional usage.

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